"Studio 40. Memorial workshop of Peter Konchalovsky"
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Museum M.A. Bulgakov, in partnership with the P. Konchalovsky Foundation and the State Tretyakov Gallery, opens the project "Studio 40. Peter Konchalovsky Memorial Workshop". The project is implemented by the winner of the 2017 grant contest of the “Changing Museum in a Changing World” charity program of the V. Potanin Charity Fund.
Studio 40 is the first exhibition project in the future museum-workshop. Especially for creating an exposition dedicated to the history of this space and the artist’s heritage, the workshop contains memorial items that surrounded Pyotr Konchalovsky and more than once depicted in his works.
A feature of the project is the most careful attitude to the environment of the art workshop, which has not changed much over the past 100 years - this approach explains the fact that when creating the exposition “augmented reality” was used. The technology made it possible to present the workshop environment as naturally as possible without turning violently memorial items into exhibits, depriving them of imposed interpretations. Additional materials, descriptions and texts are contained in a specially designed mobile application, leaving the workshop space for imagination to come to this almost untouched time.
Pointing the tablet at Konchalovsky’s drawing, the visitor will be able to see the scenery of the Bolshoi Theater’s performance, find out the history of Petr Petrovich’s journey in the company of Vasily Surikov in Spain, examine their faces in photographs of a hundred years ago and scroll through the gallery of picturesque portraits of the artist’s grandchildren.
From 1917 to 1956, Pyotr Konchalovsky, one of the largest representatives of the Russian avant-garde, who headed the “Jack of Diamonds” art association, worked in workshop No. 40 in the famous Pigit house on Bolshaya Sadovaya. After the death of Peter Petrovich, the workshop passed to his son Mikhail, also an outstanding artist. The space of the workshop did not change its purpose and after, until 2017, remained an artistic studio, which it was designed by the architect when building the house in 1903-1904.
Museum M.A. Bulgakov (GBUK, Moscow) - the first and only state memorial museum of Bulgakov in Russia, established in 2007 in the space of the legendary apartment number 50 in building 10 on Bolshaya Sadovaya. Currently, the Museum of M.A. Bulgakova is actively expanding the field of cultural activity, opens exhibitions and holds events both in the museum itself and at external venues. The purpose of the Museum is a comprehensive story about Bulgakov’s creativity, Bulgakov’s Moscow, the culture of the Bulgakov’s eras.
The Pyotr Konchalovsky Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 2006 to preserve and develop the cultural heritage of the artist Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky (1876-1956). The fund carries out professional activities to protect the heritage of Pyotr Konchalovsky from fakes, as well as to attribute the works of the artist. In addition, the Fund is working on the organization of exhibitions, conferences and other cultural and educational projects, and publishing. Currently, the Foundation, together with the architectural bureau Rozhdestvenka, is preparing a project for the reconstruction of the workshop of Pyotr Konchalovsky.
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