The stand of the Ministry of Culture of Russia will unite the best restorers of Russia
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с 8 по 10 Ноября
Гостиный Двор
ул. Ильинка, д.4
The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, as part of its participation in the IV International Exhibition “Denkmal, Russia - Moscow 2017”, will present the results of the work of the best restorers of Russia implemented over the past two years at the collective booth from November 8 to 10, 2017. 34 exhibitors subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of Russia take part in the special project. Specialists will discuss the activities of restoration artists from various Russian museums, scientific and educational centers. The geography of participants covers many cities and regions of Russia - from two capitals, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Saratov, Veliky Novgorod to Karelia, Rostov Region and Mordovia.
Oleg Ryzhkov, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, notes that “now we are at the stage of reforming the restoration industry, and in fact - its revival. And therefore, the presence of a discussion platform where everyone could gather and exchange experience is of particular importance… I am convinced that the restoration and adaptation of monuments to the conditions of modern use, as well as the creation of historical museum cities, are the key to the economic development of the regions. This contributes to the formation of jobs, the revival of traditions and crafts, the preservation of the historical memory and national identity of the peoples of our country. ”
The new format of the combined exposition of institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation includes a new concept, namely, showing the potential of the Russian restoration community: museum restoration, segments of educational institutions and specialized research centers, agencies, as well as sections on the design and production of restoration works.
For three days, various classes will be held in the workshop zone at the collective stand of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, where visitors will be able to get acquainted with the main stages of research and restoration of paintings, learn about the features of working with objects of decorative and applied art. Also at the stand will be presentations on new analytical methods in the study of historical materials, lectures on the theory and practice of modern restoration of cultural monuments, on the definition of photographic techniques and even on the principles of building a northern house, and many others. other
Experts will discuss the best examples of restoration and use of historical and cultural monuments. Among them are the processes and results of the restoration of unique icons - for example, one of the successful restoration projects of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Center named after Academician I. E. Grabar was the restoration of the 12th-century icon “Our Lady of Bogolyubskaya” from the State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The intermittent restoration, which lasted almost a century, was completed in early 2016.
Visitors will learn about the restoration of the rarest items, such as old printed books and gold embroidery (Moscow Kremlin); musical instruments - employees of the VMOMK named after M.I. Glinka will talk about the “return of the voice” to the most valuable spinet of the work of the Florentine master Marco Core in 1565; about the final stage of the installation of the sculptural group of the Neptune fountain - the first large-scale restoration of the monument since its installation in Peterhof in 1799 (GMZ Peterhof); daguerreotypes and all types of photographic materials (ROSPHOTO); theatrical fabrics (TsNRPM "Ancient fabrics"); banners (Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve). As well as monuments of wooden architecture: in the Kizhi Museum-Reserve, for the restoration of the World Heritage Site of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord Kizhi Pogost, 25 thousand plowshares - “petals” of the roof covering were made in several years. The restoration of buildings or parts of them will be presented by the Russian Museum (the facades of the Summer Palace - the Russian Museum) and the M.A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve (“Martyn Brothers House, XIX Century” and “Ideal” Cinema). In the Abramtsevo Museum-Reserve, as part of the restoration of the complex of memorial works from the collection of S. I. Mamontov, the ancestral screen “Gvidon” by M. A. Vrubel in the 1890s was restored. The Tretyakov Gallery will reveal the secrets of the restoration of oil painting on the examples of the canvas by A. P. Bogolyubov “Sinopsky battle” 1856-1860. and paintings by V. I. Shukhaev “Bathers” of 1920
A catalog will be published for the special project of the Russian Ministry of Culture at the Denkmal, Russia - Moscow 2017 exhibition, which will include a description of the results of restoration activities of about 1000 Russian specialists subordinate to the ministry.
General information about the exhibition Denkmal, Russia - Moscow 2017
The Denkmal exhibition (translated from German as “monument”), established by the Leipzig Fair in 1994, has been held in Moscow since 2011 on a biennial basis, every two years. The international specialized exhibition for the preservation, restoration, modern use and popularization of cultural heritage, organized by the Union of Russian Restorers, this year acquired an all-Russian format. This is one of the main and authoritative platforms for interaction between specialists in the field of conservation and use of cultural heritage objects, as well as a creative space for the birth of new ideas and projects. Leading experts from dozens of countries around the world discuss the most relevant industry topics and problems to be addressed in the coming years. Within the framework of the exhibition, the thematic scientific congress, round tables, presentations, master classes, international competitions of restorers, etc. are held. This year, for the first time, the international forum "Cultural, educational and event tourism in a megalopolis" will be held within the framework of the exhibition.
More details on the website
Gostiny Dvor / Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 4/10: 00-18: 00 / Free admission / 16+
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