Play "Live Forever"
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19 Февраля
Галерея Файн Арт
4-ый Сыромятнический переулок, д.1/8С9, Центр современного искусства ВИНЗАВОД

The play "Live Forever", staged by the independent Moscow theater "Baggage" based on the novel "Life and Fate" by Vasily Grossman.
The reason for the creation of the immersive performance "Live Forever" was a small literary masterpiece "The Last Letter of a Jewish Mother to a Son", one of the most striking excerpts from the novel "Life and Fate" by Vasily Grossman, which many compare with "War and Peace".
While in the Jewish ghetto, on the eve of the execution, a mother writes a letter to her son, in which she describes her feelings and relationships with the inhabitants of the ghetto, recalls the brightest moments of her life. At the end of the message, she writes "Live, live forever, mother…"
The main idea of the performance is always, in any conditions, to remain human!
Each generation, each stage of the formation of mankind, its development, its growing up, has always been associated with difficult trials. If they happened now, it is not known how we would have endured it all, what would have been our souls, our actions, our thoughts…
The play "Live Forever" is about overcoming evil, about the triumph of the spirit! And it doesn’t matter if it is a Holocaust or any other conditions in which a Human soul is tempered or perishes.
The premieres of the play were successfully held at the Sakharov Center and the Bakhrushin Theater Museum.
About the theater "BAGAGE"
The independent theatrical enterprise "Bagage", based on the base of the Central House of Arts, has existed for 7 years. The artistic director of the theater is director Lilia Bornashova. The theater’s repertoire includes performances based on the best works of world literature. These are pure and light performances, praising the beauty of the human soul. Winners of many theatrical festivals, they successfully go to various theatrical venues in Moscow and tour the country.
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