Automatic translate
31 Мая
ул.Театральная, д.9
31.05 at 19:00
A performance that needs no description.
You come and become participants in the process.
The police of one department will show you the world in all its beauty.
- ▪️What street do you take to work?
- ▪️What is the color of the walls in your entrance?
- ▪️What kind of music do you listen to?
- ▪️Do you like the city you live in?
A very important play by Dmitry Danilov, which received the Golden Mask award, succinctly characterizes the urgent problems of our society. The action takes place at the police station.
But here the police are not just an executive body, they are a police of morals and thoughts.
Strange questions await us, confused answers, "advanced" employees of one department and a disturbing thought: "what if I am also from Podolsk?"
- Paintings and drawings by the artist Ekaterina Kondrashina at the MAHL RAX complex
- Performance "Man from Podolsk"
- Performance "Man from Podolsk" 16+
- "Magical Realism"
- Performance "Man from Podolsk"
- In Veliky Novgorod at the exhibition "Private Territory" get acquainted with the legacy of the artist Viktor Danilov
Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.