Fairytale Terem of Baikal Grandfather Frost in the "Estate of V.P. Sukachev"
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с 2 по 10 Января
Усадьба В.П. Сукачева
ул. Декабрьских Событий, 112
From January 2 to 10, 2016 in the Estate of V.P. Sukachev in his Fairytale Terema Baikalsky Grandfather Frost is waiting for old and new friends.
As in previous years, the children will have an unforgettable meeting with the kind wizard, his granddaughter Snegurochka and other heroes. The atmosphere of the New Year’s fairy tale and adventure awaits the children: they will help Grandfather Frost to cope with the machinations of enemies, they will be able to light the Christmas tree and make a wish at the magic mirror.
Children are waiting for fun games, a competition for the best New Year’s costume, entertainment and, of course, prizes and gifts.
Pre-sale of tickets is open at: st. Dec Events, 112; "The estate of V.P. Sukachev." Inquiries by phone 53-12-24.
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