Tale with sand animation "Puss in Boots"
Automatic translate
13 Ноября
Котельническая наб., 1/15
Sunday, November 13, 3 p.m. Illusion.
Once a miracle happened - the organ and saxophone helped Kot in boots tell his amazing story. Even Charles Perrault could not imagine that such a thing was possible!
Tale with sand animation "Puss in Boots"
Duration - 60 minutes.
Once a fairy tale happened. The cat put on his boots and hit the world! The shaggy, mustachioed hero conquered the states, defeated the terrible giants. And only the great organ was not subject to the undaunted cat. Because the organ is also a fairy tale. No less famous. And very, very ancient. And fairy tales, oh, how they do not like to be told at the same time. After all, each of them considers himself the most-most-most. But a miracle happened. Two favorite fairy tales could agree. The organ agreed to help tell the cat in boots his amazing story. And the cat, in turn, realized that without an organ he was just a wonderful fairy tale. But together they are a miracle, the like of which has not yet happened. Even Charles Perrault himself could not imagine that such a thing was possible!
Laureate of international competitions
Natalya Letiuk organ
Mikhail Troshin saxophone
Svetlana Kostyukova art word
Program: I.S. Bach, F. Mendelssohn, E. Grieg, A. Gilman
- A press conference dedicated to the upcoming premiere was held in the Kirov Drama Theater
- Mark Neville. Fancy pictures
- Personal photo exhibition of Georgy Rozov "Gaining Wings"
- Spring at Illusion: Special Women’s Program March 6 – 9
- "Christmas holidays with a museum"