The masterpieces of the Art Gallery of the countries of Europe and America of the 19th – 20th centuries became available in the updated augmented reality application "Artefact"
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More than 280 exhibits of the Art Gallery of Europe and America of the 19th – 20th centuries became available in the updated Artefact augmented reality application. Museum visitors can now turn their mobile device into an interactive guide and learn about interesting facts and important details in the works of Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse and other artists whose works are presented in the Gallery. The app introduces new digital communication features between the viewer and the work of art.
The Pushkin Museum. A. Pushkin is trying to follow new trends in the field of innovative technologies and make maximum use of the latest scientific achievements in his exposition activities. The museum pays special attention to augmented reality technologies and computer vision. Today, more than 80% of the exhibits of the Art Gallery of Europe and America of the 19th – 20th centuries are presented in the Artefact mobile application. The augmented reality platform, developed with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the project “Culture. RF ”, allows the audience to get a new experience of interacting with works of art, and the museum provides the opportunity to independently create exhibitions in the AR (augmented reality) format. To find out more about the history of the painting, consider it in detail, and also see how the restoration stages went, just put a smartphone camera on the exhibit and Artefact will conduct an individual mini-tour for each user. All materials on exhibits of the Art Gallery of Europe and America of the XIX – XX centuries, available in the appendix, were prepared by the museum’s research staff.
The updated Artefact app has new features. Now audio guides are available to users, and they begin their work right away, you just have to point your smartphone at the exhibit, without any additional actions on the part of the visitor. New elements of augmented reality are “points of interest” that appear on top of a work of art and make it even more interesting to talk about the exhibit. “Point-quote” will show the words of the author or critic in augmented reality, and “point-picture” will tell you what the selected object looked like in other paintings or on sketches for a masterpiece. The application learned to recognize volumetric exhibits and became available to foreign visitors. Museums can now host content in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Japanese.
Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Medinsky:
The Artefact platform was created not only for professionals, but also for all museum visitors. This is such an individual digital guide, thanks to which, pointing the phone at any of the exhibits, you get a detailed interesting story about the details, plot and work history. The project has already connected more than 90 museums and organizations. Today, more than 50 exhibitions have been adapted on the platform, and another 50 are under development.
Advisor to the Minister of Culture, curator of the Artefact project Vadim Vankov:
The new version of the application takes into account all the features of representing museum exhibits in augmented reality, more interactive elements have become available, the application recognizes volumetric objects, and audio guides in several languages have appeared. We are sure that after the leading Russian museums cultural institutions will begin to use this technology, but we tried to make the Artefact platform accessible and convenient.
Deputy Director of the Pushkin Museum. A.S. Pushkin on Information Technologies Vladimir Defenenov:
Today, many people more easily perceive information if it is supported by their mobile devices. We try to use all the technical achievements associated with projection, multimedia and any other equipment in the halls of the museum, doing this as delicately as possible.
Our task is to provide the visitor with the information that we want him to know as easily and easily as possible. In the case of the Artefact application, he receives additional information directly to his mobile device. Creating a barrier-free information environment in the museum is our contribution to the digital transformation of the world that is happening today.
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