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с 23 Июня
по 17 ИюляМВК Школы акварели Сергея Андрияки
Гороховский пер., 17
From June 23 to July 17, 2016, the Museum and Exhibition Complex of the Watercolor School will host an exhibition of the national artist of the Russian Federation, a full member of the Russian Academy of Arts, the founder of the Watercolor School, Sergei Andriyaka and leading artists and teachers of the Russia-Greece Watercolor School, dedicated to the celebration Cross Year of Russia in Greece, Greece in Russia.
The exhibition is visually divided into two sections: Russia and Greece.
Greece is reflected in the works of Sergei Andriyaka, Natalya Besednova, Alexander Volkov, Olga Volokitina, Elena Klyueva (Mironova) Ekaterina Lukyanova and Sergei Chernyshev.
The theme of Russia is revealed in the works of Anatoly Degtyarev, Alisa Kargina, Ksenia Kashina (Palnikova), Sergey Kotov, Ekaterina Kotlyarenko, Irina Polyakova, Anastasia Ryzhikova, Natalya Turunovskaya, Olga Fedina.
Visitors will be able to see the ruins of ancient temples and ancient ruins, the Mediterranean Sea beckoning with azure, mountains and picturesque cliffs, famous islands and olive groves - all the colors of this sunny and hospitable Greece, as well as ancient Orthodox churches and monasteries, old cities and protected corners of Russia.
A variety of performance techniques (pencil, watercolor, pastel, gouache) and works made in an individual style can be immersed in the world of landscapes and still lifes.
We hope that this exhibition will become a bright event in the cultural life of the city and will be able to give an idea of the wide range of creative possibilities of contemporary realist artists.
Exhibition Hours:
11.00-19.00 (ticket office until 18.30), except Monday and Tuesday.
To the address: Gorokhovskiy per., 17
Inquiries by phone : (495) 632-18-17
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