"Round trip"
Automatic translate
с 28 Марта
по 21 АпреляГалерея “Нагорная”
ул. Ремизова, 10

An innovative exhibition project by contemporary digital artists, representing generative graphics as a form of fine art.
In the exhibition project "Round trip" there is a theme of the path and navigation around the created world. Photos, video art, video sculptures and installations tell the story of the artist’s journey through reality in the era of the emergence of a new, consolidating form of generative art. The world is moving towards the fact that every centimeter around will begin to respond to the presence of a person or will be covered with an iridescent texture. The navigation will become so convenient and integrated that in a constantly augmented reality, the details of this navigation will seamlessly merge with the visible field.
The main theme of the entire exhibition runs through the idea of the path, through the idea of the journey, to which the main character, the spectator, sets off. The ship with the captain at the helm leaves its harbor, embarking on a voyage to draw new maps and discover new territories. You can go to this exhibition as a research expedition, or as a romantic cruise, only one thing is important: will the viewer return to the port of departure and how will the return journey affect him?
The project was organized by the Signature Creative Union with the participation of the project coordinator Tatyana Sopp, a member of the Creative Union of Russian Artists.
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