"Shell" (16+)
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с 3 по 24 Января
Воронежский государственный академический театр драмы им. А. Кольцова
пр. Революции, 55
February 3, 7 and 24.
The Drama Theater, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, presents the performance “Shell”, staged on the play “Silence is Gold” by Pedro Calderon de la Barca, the famous playwright of the Golden Age of Spanish literature. "Glory to the whole nation", "Catholic Shakespeare" - such definitions were given to Calderon by his contemporaries. His plays are considered one of the highest literary achievements of the early 17th century.
The performance “Shell” is a vivid example of the comedy “Cloak and Epee”: simple and deep characters, a clear plot, expertly constructed intrigue, unexpected theatrical effects.
Caballero Don Juan meets a beautiful lady in the church - Leonor - and at first glance he realizes that he is ready to follow her everywhere. But the beauty is as chaste as she is beautiful, in addition, a mystery clearly hangs around her.
At the same time, no less beautiful lady - Marcela, who will not tolerate the presence of an opponent, is in love with Don Juan. In addition, Don Juan is about to leave for the regiment, to military service. How to get out of a difficult situation without correcting the laws of chivalrous honor, this highest virtue? What will end the clash of passion and reason?
Director Vladimir Petrov offers his version of ancient history. The playfulness of the play, the brilliant and magnificent style of speech of the characters, the vivid scenography will help the viewer to fully experience the spirit of a bygone era.
Comedy in two acts.
- "Shell" (16+)
- "Shell" (16+) comedy in two acts
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