Project "Sounding Canvases. Paul Cezanne" "Vivaldi. Seasons"
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4 Ноября
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Friday November 4, 6 p.m.
In a festive concert - Paul Cezanne, an impressionist innovator. And the "Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi. You are waiting for a traditionally classical approach to the performance of this masterpiece and… jazz. Compare, admire!
Project “Sounding Canvases. Paul Cezanne”
“Vivaldi. Seasons"
Duration - 75 minutes
On a festive day - a surprise concert, a concert gift. Paul Cezanne and Antonio Vivaldi are waiting for you. Impressionist-innovator, whose work is the clearest confirmation of the vital necessity of the continuity of traditions. Cezanne always kept repeating about the painful inability to “realize” his own vision, doubted that he could do it… and worked a miracle. "Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi. For several centuries, musicians have conquered this masterpiece, similar to an unattainable mountain peak. Each artist is trying to find his way to the top. There are many ways. Two of them will be presented in this concert - a traditional classical approach and… jazz. Compare, admire.
Anar Yusifov violin
"The Moscow Jazz Passengers"
Dmitry Kondrashov saxophone
Evgeny Grechishchev Piano
Pavel Protasov double bass
Alexander Ivanov drums
Laureate of international competitions
Denis Hasanov violin
"Antonio- orсhestra"
Artistic Director and Conductor Anton Paisov
Anastasia Sidelnikova organ
Program: A. Vivaldi
- Lecture Concert II. Legends of Love and Death: “Tristan and Isolde” by Richard Wagner at Festspielhaus (Bayreuth)
- Gala concert of the International Competition of the Moscow Conservatory for Young Composers "New Classics"
- Festival of the modern theater "October Revolution"
- Concert lecture "100 years of music from the air for thereminvox and electric piano"
- Children’s inter-museum project "Kids in the City of Muses" (0+), St. Petersburg