Across Russia
Automatic translate
с 6 Марта
по 14 АпреляКалужский музей изобразительных искусств
ул. Ленина, 103
Exhibition of Kaluga artist Antonova Lyubov Yuryevna “Across Russia”.

The exhibition features watercolors from summer plein air paintings made during trips to Russia in recent years. Every year in the summer, Antonova L. Yu. travels with her children to different cities of Russia. Every city has its own remarkable places that catch your eye, you want to stop and save this moment for yourself. Gradually, a whole collection of views from different cities of our wonderful Motherland has emerged, which I want to share with the audience, so that, seeing these stories, everyone will remember their feelings from the trips and enjoy them. The exhibition includes about forty works made in watercolor technique.
- January Nights - a successful continuation of the famous festival
- The long-awaited film adaptation of Petrushevskaya and the new role of Olga Antonova
- An exhibition of the works of famous Vladimir artists "To remember …" is open in the city Center of Fine Arts
- The dispute of museums caused a change of leadership in the Pushkin Museum
- Irina Antonova resigned as director of the Pushkin Museum
- The works of E. Karapuzkina - the results of plein airs for two years at a personal exhibition