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We invite you to the personal exhibition of the Honored artist and chairman of the TETRA-ART section Leonid Feodor "INSIGHT", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the birth and 40th anniversary of creative activity, in the COORDINATION CENTER FOR THE VOLGA DEPARTMENT OF PAX.
The exhibition will be held from February 17 to February 25, 2015.
Opening: February 17 at 17.00
Venue: Moscow, Lavrushinsky Lane, Building 15, entrance from the courtyard, Tretyakovskaya metro station.
Exhibition project
“You still have to carry chaos in order to be able to give birth to a dancing star.” Friedrich Nietzsche
The Insight Exhibition Project is an attempt by means of an artistic image to reveal the inner possibilities of a person through a sudden guess, insight, insight into a person who has been looking for an answer to a particular problem (in life and work) for a long time, and as a result of a flash, unexpected insight, intuition comes understanding how to achieve the expected long-awaited result.
Each person, like Archimedes, at least once must at least something in his life to open and exclaim EURECA. This is INSIGHT.
Leonid Theodor
Insight (from the English. Insight - insight, insight) is a concept introduced in 1925 by an American psychologist of German origin Wolfgang Köhler. Indicates a sudden resolution to a problem situation. The specifics of the insight is that the solution to the problem occurs as a sudden insight - by understanding the situation as a whole, and not as a result of analysis or thinking through. What is insight? This is a kind of "Eureka", i.e. discovery, discovery, insight and, as a result, the solution of a difficult task… and joy, of course. These foreign words “insight” and “eureka” This state is so strong that in psychology it bears its own name “insight” - inner light.
Insight can be defined as an artistic method. Insight usually comes unexpectedly when you are not waiting for it at all. And I would like to experience it more often!
Leonid Theodor
Honored Artist of Russia, Chairman of the TETRA-ART section at the TSHR, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MAKI Corresponding Member, painter, graphic artist, sculptor, designer, teacher at the graphic design department of MIPK named after I. Fedorova, and a number of higher educational institutions of Moscow at the faculties of design (professor). Born in 1955 in the city of Arkhangelsk. 1971 - 1975 - Studying at the Rostov Art College MB Grekov at the department of painting. 1978 - 1984 - Studying at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute at the graphics department. Since 1978 - a participant in more than 200 Russian, All-Union, regional, foreign and group exhibitions, as well as more than 50 personal (Russia, Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Egypt). Since 1990, he has been the initiator of the creation of the Radunitsa creative group since 2001, Syntel-Radunitsa. In 2003 - Laureate of the International Maltese Art Biennale. In 2003 - awarded the silver medal of the Russian Academy of Arts. 2006 - The Museum of Russian Culture was created in Moscow from the collection and works of Leonid Theodore. 2010 - Grand Prix on sculpture at the international exhibition-competition "Russian ART WEEK" Moscow. 2011- October Laureate (1st place) in the exhibition of contemporary design competition "The Faces of the Big City" Nomination Art Design, Silver Medal 2012, Organizers of the Russian Academy of Arts, TSHR, MASD. Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific book and a Gold Medal to the Assembly of Arts, 2012 for the author’s manual “Language of Creativity”. 2012 - Grand Prix at the international exhibition-competition in the nomination of sculpture of St. Petersburg Art Week (June) and Grand Prix at the painting at the international exhibition-competition "Russian ART WEEK" (December) Moscow 2013 - Grand Prix at the sculpture at the international Russian ART WEEK Exhibition and Competition (November) NCCA Gallery Mars, Moscow 2013 - Gold Medal of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding achievements in contemporary art and the creation of the 1st Museum of Russian Culture. 2014 - Gold medal for outstanding achievements in the visual arts, laureate of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Arts. 2014- October Laureate (1-2 places) in the exhibition of contemporary design competition "The Faces of the Big City" Nomination Graphic Design and Art Design, Organizers of the Russian Academy of Arts, TSHR, MASD. Author and organizer of more than ten international exhibition projects, “Reveal the Future” 2001, “The Pyramid of Reflection” 2003, “Letters” 2004, “Transmith. City of Heaven and Earth ”2006,“ Hero of Our Time ”2008,“ Return to the Future ”2010,“ Identification. I. WE. They. ”2012-2013,“ Inomeria ”2012-2014, from 3 to 15 participating countries, up to 50 artists from different regions of Russia and foreign countries. He is the author of many articles to all his projects and the Pinakothek Art Center, as well as articles about artists, teaching methods, and master classes. The artist’s works are in museum collections in Moscow: VMDPNI, GLM, PAX, MMSI, MRK, MMNG, Moscow Gallery A-3, Moscow Gallery Soyuz-Creativity, more than 30 museums and galleries in Russia, as well as in galleries and private and corporate collections, Austria, England, Germany, Bulgaria, Belarus, Egypt, Italy, the Vatican, Poland, USA, Serbia, Switzerland, Canada, France, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Malta, Morocco. The unique jubilee edition “The Word of Igor’s Regiment, Mythological Images of Ancient Russia” with text and reproductions of the works of L. Theodore are in the largest libraries in Europe: the Vatican, the State Russian Museum, the State Hermitage Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery, and the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov, Library of the Museum of Printing MGUP im. I. Fedorov, State Literature Museum, Museum “Words about Igor’s Regiment”, GIAMZ Yaroslavl, State Museum of Fine Arts “Art of the Russian North” Arkhangelsk, State Polytechnical University named after Saltykov-Shchedrin, Don Public Library and others.
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- Sveta Samson at the Insight exhibition at the Kashirka Gallery
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