Mobile exhibition project of Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko "Preserve the beauty of God’s world"
Automatic translate
с 17 Сентября
по 1 ОктябряМузей истории города Обнинска
пр. Ленина, д. 128
On September 17, 2017, in the “Museum of the History of Obninsk”, Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko’s mobile exhibition project “Preserving the Beauty of God’s Peace”, organized by the Government of the Kaluga Region, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Kaluga Region and the Kaluga Museum of Fine Arts in conjunction with the Kaluga Metropolitanate of the Russian Orthodox Church Moscow Patriarchate, starts.
In 2017, Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko returns to the hospitable Kaluga land with a new mobile solo exhibition, which will last until the end of September. The exhibition will be held as part of the 20th Virgin Mary-Christmas educational readings of the Kaluga Metropolis "Losses and gains: a look into the future." The readings are dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia, the 100th anniversary of the feat of the new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church, the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation. The deep-sense title of the vernissage “Let’s Preserve the Beauty of God’s Peace” corresponds to the main goal of the Readings: to draw public attention to important historical events in the life of the Russian state, to spiritual heritage, culture and education as powerful means of unity of the people
The work of Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko is inseparable from her personality - the personality of a person living a busy spiritual life. Her paintings are about simple human happiness, about love for God and people, about the admiration of nature, about the joy of being and about the desire to preserve the beauty of God’s world. Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko has a lot of exhibitions, meetings with admirers of artistic and poetic gifts, and between them is the constant work of a happy man in love with his work. The artist’s works are in collections of state art museums in Lipetsk, Ryazan, Tula, Salavat, Smolensk, Sterlitamak, as well as in private collections in Russia, the USA, Switzerland, India, Greece, Ukraine and other countries.
Natalia Dmitrievna lives and works in Moscow. In 2017, she was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. For over 20 years, she has been a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, and since 2013, she has been a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. In the same year she was elected Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts. She was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Culture of Russia “For Contribution to Russian Culture”, the Medal “Decent” of the Russian Academy of Arts, the Medal of the Kaluga Region “For Special Merits to the Kaluga Region”, II degree. Laureate of numerous art contests, diploma winner of V, VII and X of the Moscow International Festival of Arts “Traditions and Modernity”.
Natalia Dmitrievna equally confidently works in all genres of painting, but prefers landscape more than others. The artist’s landscapes are diverse, but they do not shy away from a single internal line, from the affirmation of the values of national culture. Natalia Dmitrievna’s favorite topic is the views of small cities in Russia. The artist sublimely and spiritually displays the corners of different cities of Russia, a cute picturesque mess of the outskirts, an old way of life. The plot of the picture “In the vicinity of Borovsk” seems simple - a narrow river with flowering green shores, small houses whose age has exceeded a hundred years, and the bell tower and the cathedral of the ancient monastery towering above them. The sun’s rays easily touch the temple walls, in places the author’s brush focuses the attention of the viewer on the warm, sometimes hot spots of the roofs, which creates an overall impression of festivity.
In many canvases by Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko, a philosophical subtext is visible, a symbolic line that refers to spiritual values, the historical past of Russia. So in the painting "Wounded Gate", a forever frozen memory of the traces of the Patriotic War of 1812, depicting the stone gates of St. Nicholas Chernoostrovsky monastery in Maloyaroslavets riddled with enemy bullets, left in this form as a warning to posterity. In memory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. the artist depicts the Prokhorovskoye field after a fierce tank battle (“At Sunset”), as well as objects that keep the touching history of Muscovites forced to exchange a faience vase for potatoes (“Saving Potato”). This vase is now located at the rector of the Holy Spirit Church in the village. Shkin, in the suburbs. In the Diptych "I Believe," the author with great love portrays village grandmothers praying in a ruined temple. The temple itself with the skeleton of its domes becomes a dumb witness to the tragic events in the history of Russia and the fleeting human life. Even the ruined house of God preserves the image of eternity and ascends over people, affirming the resurrection of the historical faith of their fathers and the hope of salvation.
Also at the exhibition will be presented incredibly attractive figures created from faience and amazing good-natured dolls.
- The artist Natalia Ovsiyenko with the exhibition "Spring mood" first presented her work in Tula
- Russia - China. Without translation
- Moscow artist N. Ovsienko brought her landscapes and dolls to Lipetsk
- Exhibition of Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko "Preserve the beauty of God’s world"
- Exhibition of Natalia Dmitrievna Ovsienko "Preserve the beauty of God’s world"
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