"From Bach to Morricone" Automatic translate
30 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
Saturday July 30, 3 p.m.
Music is a rainbow illuminating the sky of dreams. She is the bridge between the past and the future. Our concert is a walk on the rainbow. From Bach to Morricone.
With the ability to admire the spectra of Bach, Mozart and Piazzolla. And also - enjoy the fantastic harmony of the organ with a quintet of brass. Merging into a single whole, intertwining the lines of sounds in the amazing acoustics of the cathedral, the organ and quintet create an unforgettable musical fabric, multicolored tones similar to a rainbow. A miracle is near, it is born right before our eyes. To see the great, it is not necessary to look from afar. Sometimes… on the contrary - you need to get closer.
Laureates of international competitions
Margarita Koroleva organ
Vlad Przhibora baritone
Olga Lokolenkova mezzo-soprano
Ivan Ipatov Piano
Program: I.S. Bach, J. Gershwin, N. Rota, E. Morricone
- Exposición de aniversario de Boris Desyatkin
- Quinteto de ensayo de duelo musical y latón olímpico
- Breiter Karneval. 6+
- "Neue Musik in der Freedom Hall. Entwürfe des Neuen"
- Osterglockenspiel. 6+
- Über die Liebe und über den Frühling. 6+
- "Viejo y nuevo" "Viejo año nuevo". 6+
- Tangedia 6+