The common theme of the VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be the statement "For Life"
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The exhibition will be held from September 1 to 10, 2017 in Moscow in the territory of Sokolniki Park. She promises to be one of the largest and most diverse events in Europe dedicated to calligraphy.
150 calligraphers from more than 60 countries of the world will present their vision of life, which will be a new record in scale and scope. To date, more than 350 calligraphic works have already been sent to participate in the exhibition.
Each of the Masters participating in the exhibition works in its own unique, unique manner of writing. For the first time, the exhibition will present such relevant modern trends as lettering and calligraffiti performed by both beginners and experienced masters from Russia and other countries. Arabic, Japanese, Chinese and Tatar calligraphy, secrets of working with historical fonts, uncial and gothic writing. This is not an exhaustive list of topics that you can meet at the Exhibition.
The VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be attended by both already familiar authors of projects and new, not yet known to the Russian audience. Among them is the official calligrapher of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the unsurpassed master of heraldry and illumination - Timothy Node.
Another distinguished guest from the UK will be Donald Jackson, a world-renowned master of calligraphy and illumination, a historian and popularizer of the art of beautiful writing, who will talk about his project “The Bible of St. John” - a manuscript bible that has been created over 11 years. The exhibition, as in previous years, will host many workshops. One of the most interesting will be the occupation of Marina Hankova. The master will present his "Russian alphabet in drawings", talk about work and conduct a calligraphy lesson for children.
Significant attention at the exhibition will be given to the problem of teaching writing in schools, its history and current state. Now children start typing on a computer much earlier than writing. People’s writing has noticeably worsened over the past 20 years. The situation can only be corrected by introducing calligraphy or calligraphy lessons in schools. So, the program of introducing calligraphy to schools will be presented by a doctor-expert of the highest category, a calligrapher-monogram player, writer and public figure from Yaroslavl Yuri Ivanovich Arutsev.
It has long been proven that calligraphy has not only an aesthetic function, but also fruitfully affects the development of some parts of the brain. The art of beautiful writing helps in the development of fine motor skills, optical control, attention, accuracy, perseverance. It helps to concentrate, improve short-term and figurative memory. Calligraphy disciplines and, at the same time, develops creativity. In the process of writing, unique nervous connections are activated.
It is about this huge and undeniable effect of calligraphy on the development of the human brain that Sergey Vyacheslavovich Savelyev will tell. Within the lecture “Calligraphy and the brain”, a popular scientist, a specialist in morphology and brain evolution with 30 years of experience, will explain how humanity’s acquisition of objective ways of transferring knowledge and skills has become an instrument of evolution. Sergei Vyacheslavovich will describe in detail the importance of written speech and its graphic design for the brain. He will talk about the need to develop calligraphy and calligraphic skills in children as one of the key pedagogical methods for differentiating specialized centers of the brain.
Perhaps everyone will agree that the basis of any culture is a letter that can convey the essence of the life experience of generations. Holding the International Exhibition of Calligraphy allows you to see the unique works of outstanding calligraphers of our time and thanks to their work to understand the national and cultural characteristics of peoples. The mission of the exhibition is to bring together representatives of different generations, views, cultures and beliefs in the name of beauty and humanism.
About the exhibition:
The International Exhibition of Calligraphy is the flagship project of the Contemporary Museum of Calligraphy, aimed at attracting both professionals and the public to the art of beautiful writing. The exhibition is the largest exhibition project in Russia dedicated to the art of calligraphy.
The project was launched on September 16, 2008 in St. Petersburg, where the I International Exhibition of Calligraphy was held with great success in the building of the Russian Academy of Arts. Over the years, more than 200 artists from more than 60 countries took part in the exhibition. 2900 works were presented to visitors.
In 2017, the VI International Exhibition of Calligraphy will be held in the Sokolniki Moscow Park from September 1 to 10, 2017. For this event, a unique exhibition hall with an area of 1,500 square meters will be specially erected on the Festival Square of the park. meters.
The exhibition will host many workshops, lectures and performances.
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