"Images and Fates" by Vitaly Borovik
Automatic translate
с 23 Февраля
по 21 АпреляГалерея искусств Зураба Церетели
ул. Пречистенка, 19
The Russian Academy of Arts presents an exhibition of works by the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Vitaly Lvovich Borovik “Images and Fates”, where more than 100 paintings and watercolors will be shown.

In each generation there is a certain circle of masters whom time distinguishes from its surroundings with a special attitude and gift of vision. Their works reveal something inaccessible, the secret of high art, a diverse range of feelings that makes you plunge into another unknown world. These are the sensations that arise from meeting the paintings of the St. Petersburg painter Vitaly Borovik. Its formation occurred at the turn of two centuries, when great changes took place in life. In realistic art, the importance of the grand style fell, and the etude style and speed of creation of works began to triumph. The task that the artist has set for himself is to consistently strive to assert a humane principle. It is in this that he sees an opportunity to resist the “isms” that destroy the human essence. A mature, experienced master of a wide range, with his own individuality and special style, he continues the traditions of Russian and European classical art schools.
Each of his works reveals his attitude to what is close and dear, and what worries him, as a person who reacts reverently to what is happening. The painter creates a universe of feelings and images that fill the plot with deep moral and aesthetic meaning, consonant with the overall plastic solution. He knows how to introduce poetic motifs into everyday scenes, doing it unobtrusively and simply, and a high degree of artistry allows him to acutely sense the characters’ personalities. V.L. Borovik strives to preserve the idea of the role of the human personality and the reality surrounding it. His creative experience in the genre of portraiture is also interesting, in which, first of all, he showed an interest in conveying living characteristics, sometimes complex and subtle feelings.
The canvases are united by closeness to nature, a complete sense of real life, which is achieved by a plastically verified construction of the canvas and accurately noted color. Sincere admiration for the beauty of different states of nature does not leave him indifferent and encourages him to share this feeling with the viewer in landscapes. Traveling a lot around the world, from each trip he brings back his impressions, expressed in numerous series of paintings and watercolors dedicated to St. Petersburg, the ancient cities of Russia and Italy, China and South Korea.
Vitaly Borovik’s paintings are distinguished by his love for man and nature; in them he depicts his vision of life, its deep meaning, embodied in poetic and sincere images. Philosophy and succinct content of his paintings are an important feature of his art. The exhibition in the halls of the Academy Museum and Exhibition Complex will introduce Moscow viewers to the works of the thoughtful master and sum up the results of many years of creative activity.
The text is based on an article by Valeria Ushakova.
Vitaly Lvovich Borovik was born in Leningrad on May 31, 1949. In 1974 he graduated from the Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture named after I. E. Repin, where he studied in the workshop of A. A. Mylnikov. In 1977, he completed his postgraduate studies at the Institute and was hired as a teacher in the workshop of Yu. M. Neprintsev. In recent years he has been teaching in the workshop of Kh. M. Savkuev as a professor. Since 1978 - member of the Union of Artists of the USSR and Russia. Full member of the Petrovsky Academy of Sciences and Arts. Participant of all-Union, republican and international exhibitions. His works have been presented at more than 150 exhibitions, including 10 solo ones. Works are in the collections of museums in Russia, in private collections in Finland, Poland, Germany, France, England, Italy, Australia, Canada, USA, South Korea, China.
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