Educational seminar for employees of educational services of museums and school teachers "Meta-subject essence of the art museum in the context of modern knowledge"
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с 4 по 6 Декабря
Национальная художественная галерея “Хазинэ”
Кремль, проезд Шейнкмана, 12, 3-й подъезд
The seminar is held within the framework of the Meta-subject educational and exhibition project "Journey into the world of science and art" aimed at high school students, school and museum teachers. The seminar was developed by the Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children’s Creativity Department of the Russian Museum in 2018-2019 and includes four topics:
"Mathematics and Fine Arts";
“Physics and Fine Arts”;
"Chemistry and fine arts."
The significance of the project for museums and further education is determined by its meta-subject content of fine art, into the spaces of which the basic concepts of such key disciplines as mathematics, physics and chemistry are considered, without the knowledge of which it is impossible to predict events and make scientific discoveries.
The content of the project includes:
- Organization and holding, within the terms agreed upon with the regions, by the specialists of the Russian and regional museums of the meta-subject educational and exhibition project “Journey into the world of science and art”.
- The organization in the regions of a children’s art contest on the theme “World of Science and Art” with the subsequent participation of the best works in an inter-regional exhibition, which will be held in the halls of the Russian Museum in January 2020.
- Carrying out activities to improve the skills of museum specialists and school teachers in the field of museum pedagogy and art education by means of fine art and a meta-subject approach.
- Inclusion in the process of art education of educational institutions of remote settlements of the possibilities of learning by electronic means.
- Providing staff of regional museums with teaching materials.
Project implementation forms:
- classes at the meta-subject didactic exhibition "Mathematics and Fine Arts";
- master classes on the topic of the seminar, seminars and consultations on training courses for museum and pedagogical programs of the Russian Museum Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children’s Creativity department of the Russian Museum;
- lectures for children and adults on the specifics of meta-subject development of natural sciences and humanities, as well as the history of Russian art.
Workshop purpose
To facilitate the development by students, museum and school educators of the world and the environment on the basis of metacognition, which allows you to monitor your thinking, memory, knowledge, goals and actions.
Workshop objectives
- To assist cultural and educational institutions in expanding the cultural and pedagogical interaction of the museum with cultural and educational institutions in the field of creative development and artistic education of children and adolescents based on a meta-subject approach.
- To motivate teachers, students and parents to study mathematics and basic natural sciences in the context of artistic images of architecture and fine art.
- To create conditions for advanced training of museum specialists and educators in the field of aesthetic education and artistic and creative development by means of the museum environment and fine art based on a meta-subject approach.
An educational seminar on the topic “The meta-subject essence of an art museum in the context of modern education” from November 4 to 6, 2019 will be conducted by employees of the Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children’s Creativity Department of the Russian Museum:
- Head department, doctor ped. sciences, professor B. A. Stolyarov;
- Head the sector for work with educational institutions O. R. Luse;
- Specialist in educational activities of the 1st category, artist-restorer A. Yu. Peycheva
December 4th
10.00 - 10.30 Greetings and introduction of the seminar participants:
- Museum Director R. M. Nurgalieva
- Department of Education, Kazan
11.00 - 13.00. Museum in the space of culture, education and science, head of department of the Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children’s Creativity of the Russian Museum, Dr. ped. Sciences, Professor B. A. Stolyarov
13.00 - 14.00 Lunch
14.00 - 16.30 The specifics of the interaction of the art museum with educational institutions, head. the educational institutions sector of the Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children’s Creativity department of the Russian Museum, O. R. Luse;
16.30 - 18.00. The project "Chemistry and Painting in the Russian Museum: the experience of development and implementation", specialist in educational activities of the 1st category, artist-restorer A. Yu. Peicheva
5th of December
10.30 - 12.00 “From harmony to agglutination - the pedagogical context”, Head of the Department of the Russian Center for Museum Pedagogy and Children’s Creativity of the Russian Museum, Dr. ped. Sciences, Professor B. A. Stolyarov
12.00 - 13.00 “Fine art in the museum as an instrument of the spiritual and moral development of man” educational institutions sector, O. R. Luse.
13.00 - 14. 00 Lunch
14.00 - 16.30 “Technology of painting. Practical experience ”, specialist in educational activities of the 1st category, artist-restorer A. Yu. Peycheva.
16.30 - 17.00. Round table on the topic of the seminar.
December 6
10.00 - 11.00 "From Euclid - to the nonlinear geometry of F. Gerry and G. Lynn."
11 a.m. - 12.00. “Meta-subject aspects of museum-pedagogical activity, head. educational institutions sector, O. R. Luse.
12.00 - 13.00. “A master class as a form of mastering knowledge in the meta-subject environment of an art museum” specialist in educational activities of the 1st category, artist-restorer A. Yu. Peicheva.
13.00 - 14.00 – Lunch
14.00 - 15.30 The final round table on the topic of the seminar
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