New Year’s adventures in the museum "Where did Chagall fly?" (5-10 years old)
Automatic translate
с 22 Декабря
по 7 ЯнваряМузей русского импрессионизма
Ленинградский проспект, д. 15, стр. 11

December 22, 29, January 2, 3, 5, 7 15:00 - 16:30
Who created the first winter landscape in the history of painting? What country did Monet go to find real snow? Which Dutch artists loved to skate? Where did Chagall fly in winter? On New Year’s Eve and Christmas, we will travel to visit artists from different countries. Consider the paintings of famous masters, find out why they loved the winter nature and how it was portrayed. We will visit the Netherlands, Norway, France and, of course, Russia, where we will stay a little longer! Inspired by the color of the paintings seen, we will move to the halls of the Museum to find the winter landscapes of Russian impressionists, solve pictorial puzzles and recall winter poems. After the quest, we’ll return to the workshop and create our own magical calendar with wishes for next year: we will choose our own signs for each month: leaves, flowers, snowflakes, sparkles, figures of favorite animals, add pictures and captions.
What do we do? We will discuss winter landscapes, admire the shades of a snowy winter and learn about the New Year traditions of different countries. We will go on a quest in search of winter in the Museum and create our own “natural” calendar.
What will we learn? We will practice memory, ingenuity and imagination, plunge into creativity and magic!
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes. The event is designed for children aged 5 to 10 years and their parents.
Attention! When purchasing a ticket for an interactive lesson, you can visit the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Russian Impressionism and the exhibition “David Burliuk. A word to me! ”
A discount on the “Friend of the Museum” card is available.
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