A new direction in the art of Represent Art by the artist Alexei Zimin
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The fame spreads the fame of the young Russian artist Alexei Zimin, an active figure in the world of painting. His paintings diverge at auction prices, and the exhibitions are extremely popular. Alexei Zimin not only successfully works in most modern areas of painting, but also promotes his own ideas, creating new concepts in the transmission of images. The last invention presented by Alexey Zimin is called represent art (English, the art of representation). This direction should introduce new traditions in painting.
A bit of history
Alexei Zimin is as young as talented. The artist literally does everything, he combines studies in several universities at the same time, an active social life, a love of sports and numerous hobbies with a love of drawing and creating really interesting paintings. Alexey constantly participates in exhibitions, spends a lot of time, learning and teaching new styles of painting pictures of other young authors, experiences a brush in all sorts of popular areas of art.
It is not possible to fully figure out exactly how Zimin fits into the number of hours in a day, achieving success in any business he undertakes. One thing is certain - ambition and self-confidence are applied to Alexey’s talent. The penetrative nature and support of loved ones help Zimin perform miracles both on canvas and in promoting new painting terms.
About represent art - the essence of a new direction
The represent art direction allows you to create a close relationship between the viewer and the artist, to help look at the world from a new angle. The author leaves some gaps in the image, offering the viewer’s imagination to modify the canvas to his liking, ending it already in his own mind. Cooperation is built on the need for the viewer to also work on the end of the canvas and this symbiosis is delightful.
This approach is unusually fresh - building a dialogue with the viewer previously was carried out exclusively on generally accepted techniques for creating images, applying various techniques for applying strokes, playing with colors and light. Aleksey made a really bold step, introducing represent art for all to see, since it is simply not accepted to present unfinished paintings to the viewer.
The first picture in the style of represent art
Alexei has already put his critics and connoisseurs of art to his first painting in the style of represent art. It depicts a characteristic Russian wilderness - birch trees, a field, a road that goes nowhere. In the background, Zimin worked out a perspective - barely distinguishable trees, clear skies, characteristic of calm summer days. By the position of cereals on the field, foliage and grass can be seen, there is not a breeze in the landscape, the day is quiet and peaceful.
The road track invites the viewer to ride through this area, and it is better to take a walk, enjoying the gentle sun and the calm of a summer day. The combination of the natural landscape and an element of the modern world looks strange. The author did not depict a car on the canvas, as if moving the existence of vain cities and polluted ecology into the background.
Some incompleteness really adds scope for the imagination of the viewer, who can transfer himself to this peaceful landscape, or add new notes to it.
The attitude of the public to represent art
The introduction of the new term represent art by Alexei Zimin was met with considerable resonance from eminent figures of art and painting in the capital. Adherents of a conservative attitude to the artistic image at first accepted with a pronounced disapproval, however, the work presented by Alexei not only softened, but radically changed the negative assessments of critics. More liberal art connoisseurs look forward to further development of the represent art style.
Alexei Zimin suggests combining represent art with various directions - how interesting will be the paintings with abstractions, when the viewer will be able to invest a share of the crazy woman on the topic proposed by the artist. Fantasy will work on portrayal painting, adding its own features and zest to the depicted person.
The represent art approach will help the viewer also feel like a bit of a painter, participate in the creation of a masterpiece and make their own contribution to art. Represent art will help lovers of paintings rally, discussing their vision of the canvas and the emerging images. Alexei Zimin, being a sociable person, manages with the help of wordless canvases to make each viewer talk with himself and with others.
The most familiar critics of modern trends suggest that represent art will be able to conquer not only narrow cultural circles, but also go further, enter the global network, creating communities of fans of painting and helping this art form to gain an unprecedented spread that has not been seen by any drawing style.
Perspectives represent art and Zimin’s creative implementation
Despite the fact that the term represent art has just seen the light of day, the public has already responded widely to a new trend, which, without a doubt, will soon become one of the most fashionable in the art world. People adore some understatement and mystery, and represent art gives them these sensations along with a huge scope for imagination.
Presentation of paintings in the style of represent art won many hearts. The seeming simplicity, standardness of the image at the first glance of the viewer, is replaced by interest, creating your own look at the image and refinement of details.
Earlier, Alexey already presented to the attention of critics the styles of writing paintings invented by himself. The opinion of critics on this issue is almost unanimous - the painting, which is losing freshness and zest, is gaining a new life with the help of Alexei Zimin and other young talents who are not afraid of other people’s opinions and who stubbornly bring their own vision to the already established world of art laws.
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