Night of Arts in the Perm Gallery. Theme of the action:
Automatic translate
4 Ноября
Пермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4

November 4 from 18.00 to 23.00 hours in the Perm Gallery will be held "Night of the Arts." The central theme of the action will be the theme of language - both as an object of linguistics, and as a language of art. Throughout the "Night of the Arts" a series of curatorial excursions, lectures, concerts and a children’s program await visitors. In addition to the permanent exhibition, three exhibitions will work in the gallery’s halls: the exposition “There are blue roses,” dedicated to the work of symbolist artist Pavel Kuznetsov; art project of Alexander Morozov “Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. D "and the exhibition of the Perm underground of 1960-2008" Avant-garde, which was not. "
Language of art
18.00 - Curator tour of the exhibition "There are blue roses"
Conducted by Irina Andrenko, Leading Researcher, Perm Gallery
1st floor, halls of the exhibition "There are blue roses"
19.00 - Lecture "Prisoner of the Tower. Fate and the word of the father of Russian symbolism. Valery Bryusov, ”reads Vladimir Abashev, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Journalism and Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology, PSNIU
1st floor, the hall of the exhibition "There are blue roses"
20.00 - Concert "Waiting for a miracle"
Performers: Lik Chamber Choir, Faculty of Music, PHSPU; Leader: Olga Lifanova
3rd floor, Perm wooden sculpture exposition
21.00 - Curatorial tour of the exhibition "Vanguard, which was not there"
Conducted by Vladimir Beresnev, Leading Researcher, Perm Gallery
1st floor, halls of the exhibition "Vanguard, which was not"
People language
18.00 - Conversation with the display of authentic old-printed books “An old book: features of the language. Marginal notes”
Conducted by Marina Shpakova, head of the rare book department of the Regional Library. Gorky
1st floor, piano lounge
19.00 - Curator tour of the exhibition "Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. d "
Conducted by Vladimir Beresnev, Leading Researcher, Perm Gallery
1st floor, halls of the exhibition “Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. d "
21.00 - Concert "Thundering Autumn"
Performers: folklore ensemble "TrigolOs"
3rd floor, Perm wooden sculpture exposition
22.00 - The play "Perm Bestiary" (based on the past of the north of Prikamye)
Performers: Ekaterina Livshits, Natalya Aimanova, Tatyana Nazarenko, Mira Plyusnina, Alexander Mekhanoshin
1st floor, halls of the exhibition "There are blue roses"
Children’s program
18.00 - 21.00 Quest game in the Akchimariy dialect
Conducted by museum educator Yevgeny Naimushin
2nd floor, halls of the exhibition “Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. d "
Ticket price:
Visitors under 18 years old - free of charge
Visitors over 18 years old - 150 rubles
The cash desk is open until 22.30 hours.
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