"# NeglinnaYa, I love you"
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с 20 Мая
по 20 АвгустаТЦ “Галерея Неглинная”
Трубная площадь, 2
Second open photo contest
Photographers confess Neglinnaya love

The Neglinnaya Gallery is launching a second photo contest dedicated to metropolitan life in the Neglinnaya Street area. According to the already established tradition, in the photographs of contemporaries the historical part of Moscow appears, inextricably linked with the daily life and culture of the city. Both professional photographers and amateurs can take part in the project.
The theme of the contest is the favorite corners of one of the oldest Moscow streets: events, architecture, "places of power", people and emotions - all this can become the plot for the photo presented at the contest "# NeglinnaYa, I love you."
“The surroundings of Neglinnaya and Trubnaya Streets are one of the most interesting in Moscow. Living, working, walking, relaxing in your favorite area is a pleasant urban lifestyle. Everyone has their favorite places, angles, places for meetings and walks. Their own emotional geography of the place, - say the organizers of the contest. - What you love, how you love. We are waiting for the photo contest on the theme: "Non-vivid, I love you." And, of course, in addition to photos, a few words about what exactly ties you to this place, what is its unique character. Three nominations: Architecture, People, Events. ”
The curator of the project traditionally was a teacher at the A. Rodchenko School of Photography and Multimedia, photographer Igor Mukhin.
“The center of Moscow is changing dramatically, and in order to“ catch ”the moment of the birth of its modern look, we invited Muscovites and guests of the capital to take a walk along the new walking routes with a camera. In the Neglinnaya area, there are already three such summer routes with incredible energy that resolves only at dawn. This is the intersection of Neglinnaya Street with the Kuznetsky Most, Pushechnaya Street and the reconstructed Trubnaya Square with the recently opened gastronomic market, which has already been completely occupied by fashionable metropolitan youth. These are numerous cafes and restaurants, the authentic Irish White Hart Pub, Vogue Cafe, the confectionery of the Karavaevs and Muztorg brothers, the photo lab in Marchi - the main printing point for metropolitan photographers and a theater school with three educational scenes, residential buildings and ancient monasteries. All these are not just streets, they are places of power and inspiration that change, but remain beautiful and attractive, ”said Igor Mukhin.
The format of the photo can be any - reportage or art photography, street photo, accidentally cast eyes or thoughtful composition - the choice remains with the participants.
The purpose of the competition is to use the camera to express their feelings and show the hidden meanings of Neglinnaya Street, to capture the author’s emotional geography of the place in the photograph. In addition, the project organizers want to draw attention to the work of beginner and lay photographers, provide them with a platform for self-expression and create opportunities for further creative and professional growth.
Anyone can take part in the competition. Acceptance of works - from May 20 to August. You must send photos to e-mail photo@neglinnaya-gallery.ru or publish on Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag of the contest # Neglinna I love you, and comment on what this place is especially and unusual for, what is surprising.
In September, the results will be summed up and the winners determined. Also in September, an exhibition of photographs of finalists will open in the Neglinnaya Gallery space. The best works will also be included in the book on the history of Neglinnaya Street, the presentation of which will take place at the opening of the exhibition #Neglinna
The main prizes of the competition will be:
Training courses at the British Higher School of Design and valuable prizes from the Neglinnaya Gallery.
Photographic works for participation in the competition are accepted by e-mail: photocontest@neglinnaya-gallery.ru
Or are published on social networks with the hashtag of the contest #Neglinna
Works are accepted from May 20 to August 20 inclusive.
Amateurs and professionals, Muscovites and guests of the capital, employees, workers and students, participate in the photo project # Neglinna I love you
The Neglinnaya Gallery is one of the main historical, artistic, and commercial sites in Moscow. The competition was organized with the support of the British Higher School of Design, the A. Rodchenko Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia and the Multimedia Art Museum (Moscow).
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