Mher Chatinyan. Exhibition of Painting and Graphics
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с 18 Сентября
по 1 ОктябряAlpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
Sunlit blooming gardens, colorful houses of the old city, poppy fields, roofs burning in sunset, a sea of flowers… Using a powerful color, building the composition on color and textural contrasts, generalizing the form almost to abstraction, the artist is not afraid to be incomprehensible. His paintings, reflecting the images of the world around him, are filled with light and joy of life, which only a very happy person is capable of.
Alpert Gallery presents an exhibition of Mher Chatinyan, a unique young artist from Vanadzor.
September 20 at 19-00 will be the grand opening of the exhibition, as well as an auction of the artist.
With the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in the Russian Federation
General sponsor: Kutuzovo Club
Exhibition curator - Nikolay Suchilin
Mher Chatinyan was born in the city of Kirovakan (Vanadzor) in 1989. He graduated from the Department of Painting and Graphics of the State Pedagogical Institute. Since 2006, has been actively participating in art exhibitions at home, as well as in Georgia, Slovakia, and Holland. Works are in private collections in many countries. Lives and works in Vanadzor.
- Mher Chatinyan "Armenia, my love …"
- Enough minimum
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