International exhibition project "Terra_tabula" / Letters_on_the ground Automatic translate
с 23 Сентября
по 28 ОктябряГалерея “На Каширке”
ул. Ак.Миллионщикова, д.35, корп.5
The exhibition is devoted to the problems of the relationship between environmental ecology and ecology of the spirit, the responsibility of people for what they do in relation to the Earth. The relationship of the living and the dead, man as a natural phenomenon and garbage as man-made, is also the focus of the project. The implementation of garbage into art - a new life - is another facet of the exhibition. For the artist, his territory (a word derived from “terra”) is a canvas, a sheet of paper, as well as the “earth” on which he leaves his mark.
The exhibition will feature paintings, assemblies, installations, video art, objects. Art objects made of metal (Sergey Chernov, Tanya Hengstler, USA), large floor and spatial and text objects (Alla Urban), old newspapers with an author’s image, in which archived information enters a semantic game with an image (Dmitry Prigov), made of fabric and acrylic NanaYorifuji (Japan), as well as paper objects with poetic and graphic compositions, paper installations (A. Neizvestnova). Painting using real earth and sand (Mikhail Roshnyak, Vladimir Nasedkin and Tatyana Badanina). Evelina Schatz, poet and artist from Italy, as well as Sergey Bordachev, Sergey Sokolov - authors of assemblages. Alexander Petlyura will present an installation from clothes of bygone eras and a photo project. Photographs by Raul Skrylyov depicting an environmentally hazardous urban environment will create a visually complex exposition “landscape”.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a diverse cultural program: lectures, poetic readings about the environment, master classes by artists participating in the exhibition for adults and children.
Curator and author of the concept: Elena Ryumin.
The participants:
O. Aref’eva, T. Badanina, S. Bordachev, Art Group Belka and Strelka, N. Georgadze, K. Golitsyna, G. Vinogradov, A. Volkov, O. Jordan, S. Ishchenko, N. Yoriful (Japan), M. Kalmykova and M. Protsenko (M + M), O. Koshelets, KUKUDRA art group, P. Lakhtunov, D. Mayorova, K. Matisen, V. Nasedkin, M. Napolitano (Italy), A. Mokhov, A Neizvestnova, T. Nusink (Netherlands), V. Opara, A. Pankin, D. Pankin, V. Peldyakov, A. Petlyura, M. Pogarsky, M. Poluektova, N. Popova, D. Prigov, M. Roshnyak, E. Ryumina, I. Sever, R. Skrylyov, Yu. Sobolev, V. Slonov, S. Sokolov, L. Tishkov, A. Urban, S. Chernov, T. Hengstler, E. Schatz )Italy), V. and N. Cherkashin, I. Shelkovsky (France), A. Yulikov, U. Yakovleva
Alexander Pankin. From the series Traces
Vladimir Opara. Criiter (Creator)
D.A. Prigov. Flowers, ballpoint pen BIC, 1989
Igor Shelkovsky. Tree wood, acrylic
Exhibition project "TERRA_TABULA" / LETTERS_On_Earth
Age requirement 12+
09/23/2017 - 10/28/2017
Gallery "On Kashirka"
Tue-Sun 11.00-20.00
Entrance ticket 100 rub., Preferential 50 rub.
Moscow, st. Ak. Millionshchikova, d. 35, bldg. 5