International competition project "Russian Arts Prize"
Automatic translate
с 2 по 10 Мая
Нижняя Сыромятническая, д. 10

Opening: May 2, 2018, 17.00. Winners Announcement and Graduation: May 10, 2018, 5 p.m.
Exhibits will be presented in the Small Hall of the International Design Center "ArtPlay", Moscow, st. Lower Syromyatnicheskaya, d.10.
Participation: full-time and part-time.
Please note: for participants in the Russian Art Week and a number of other exhibitions - special conditions are provided!
International project “Russian Arts Prize” ) ) - a new international project in the Russian Federation, designed to combine the intellectual potential of a community of experts with the creative potential of authors - artists and craftsmen who are currently creating works of art.
A wide audience of experts (more than 150 people!) Will evaluate contemporary works. Based on the points received, the most striking works will be identified and professional authors worthy of the title “Laureate of the Russian Art Award” will be determined.
The objective of the project is to get an assessment of the works with the help of a wide audience of recognized representatives of the Russian and foreign World of Art, the Art Industry and the Media Industry, whose knowledge, experience and public weight will become an indisputable confirmation of the author’s skill and creative potential and will serve as an incentive for his further professional growth.
Graphic arts
The photo
Arts and crafts
Art textile
Digital art
Today’s realities are such that an artist cannot create one excellent copy of an artwork and then “rest” on it without creating new ones. Life makes you take the most varied ways to draw attention to your creativity, to confirm your level of skill and your charge of creativity. For this, it is necessary first of all to participate in such exhibitions and projects where the Expert Council works, which will make a professional assessment and share a part of its authority.
We have gathered a truly unique composition of the Expert Council - more than 150 experts! And the result of their work will be a "rating" of project participants. Based on the rating, we will determine the winners and nominees.
The result of a painstaking assessment by the Expert Council of works, the author will receive a diploma in which the received score and the rating of the work will be reflected. This will allow subsequently to use the received expert assessment for their professional advancement and increase the cost scale of copyright works.
Expert Council
Questioning and evaluation of works of art will be carried out by representatives of the following groups:
- Creative Professionals
- Popularizing Professionals
- Sales Professionals
- Educators
- Focus group
Please note: for participants in the Russian Art Week and a number of other exhibitions - special conditions are provided!
We will be happy to answer your questions. Registration: until April 30, 2018 inclusive.
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