Clay master classes at the exhibition "Baikal-KeraMystika"
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с 2 по 23 Апреля
Иркутский областной художественный музей им. В.П. Сукачева, отдел Сибирского искусства
ул. Карла Маркса, 23
Organizers Exhibition Baikal-KeraMystic. Ceramics born on Baikal " working in the Gallery of Siberian Art of the Irkutsk Regional Art Museum. V.P. Sukachev (st. Karl Marx, 23), launch a series of creative workshops on working with clay.
The first master class will take place this Sunday, April 2, at 15.00. It will be led by a potter, technologist, author and technical manager of the Baikal-KeraMistika project Sergey Purtyan. He will introduce the participants to the principle of work on the pottery wheel. With the help of the wizard, it will be possible to create a small product, which then will need to be brought to the firing (included in the price of the master class). Another master class on the potter’s wheel will be held on April 9 (beginning at 15.00).
On April 16 and 23 (at 13.00 and 15.00) modeling workshops will be held. In these classes, it will be possible with the help of a master to make a zoomorphic candy bowl. Classes will be held by a ceramic artist, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, author and art director of the Baikal-KeraMistika project Tatyana Eroshenko. She will teach the principles of the oldest technique in ceramics - modeling from a single piece. The product will also need to be fired.
The cost of one lesson is 400 rubles (including materials). Preliminary record by phones: 33-43-89, 21-70-65.
Schedule of workshops:
April 2, 15.00 - master classes on the potter’s wheel.
April 9, 15.00 - master classes on the potter’s wheel.
April 16, 13.00 and 15.00 - modeling workshop (maximum - 10 people).
April 23, 13.00 and 15.00 - a master class in modeling (maximum 10 people).
Gallery of Siberian art, st. Karl Marx, 23.
- The exhibition of author’s lamps "In search of light" opened in the "Estate of V.P. Sukachev"
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