Master class Daguerreotype shooting in the modern world: how and why Automatic translate
13 Декабря
Усадьба Лопухиных, Малый Знаменский пер., д. 3/5, стр. 4
December 13 at 16:30.
Daguerreotype is considered the first photographic process, since the art of photographic painting began precisely with daguerreotype. Dmitry Starusev, a graduate of the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S. A. Gerasimov (VGIK) and the Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after Rodchenko, will tell about the secrets of production and modern daguerreotype operators.
The lecturer will also demonstrate to the audience the daguerreotype itself, will provide an opportunity to look closely at its surface, hold it in hands.
Participation in the master class is free (registration is required).
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