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8 Декабря
Музей русского импрессионизма
Ленинградский проспект, д. 15, стр. 11
A series of master classes at which museum guests can get acquainted with Spanish painting from the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, presented at the exhibition "Impressionism and Spanish Art".
Before the workshop, the participants of the master classes will find an inspiring lecture on the features of the transmission of light, color and air by Spanish masters, and of course, on the interweaving of their destinies and creativity. Together with the moderator, visitors will see individual paintings, discuss their features, and then create their work in a workshop or exhibition. Participants in the master classes will learn to create a harmonious composition, apply unusual techniques and select the necessary shades for their painting.
The lesson is designed for participants with a low level of training. Museum guests will leave home with their own painting.
Theme of the lesson:
December 8 - Joaquim Mir (acrylic, on display).
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