Marina Belkina. Sun, sea, rain
Automatic translate
с 16 по 27 Июля
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
The exhibition will feature Israeli sketches - tourist and emigrant.
“Middle Eastern ruins - without a return ticket in your pocket, tiled cold of rented apartments, biblical winter storms, officials and friends, doubt and longing, everyday luxury of the sea, meeting like a big dog… Buses, trains, soldiers, weapons, the sun, hospitals… Beauty slowly succumbing to a non-European language - free and natural in the mouth of your child… and so on… and so on… Despair and - again the sun… "
Marina Belkina
Marina Belkina was born in Leningrad. Higher education. She worked as an assistant director and artist at Lennauchfilm and Lenfilm. From 2009 to 2012 she worked at the Mukhinsky school. Acted in films. She wrote the novel Interview. / Publisher Borey Art, St. Petersburg, 2011 /. 16 personal and 5 group exhibitions. Member of the Professional Creative Union “Free Culture Partnership” and ISRAELI PROFESSIONAL ARTISTS ASSOCIATION (IPAA).
Since 2012, lives in Israel.
- "Tales of Belkin", Pushkin, summary
- Opening of the memorial plaque to the People’s Artist of the USSR, academician of the USSR Academy of Arts Dementy Alekseevich Shmarinov
- Diaries of the poet, artist and free man Pavel Zaltsman
- Masquerade (12+)
- Masquerade (16+)