Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Pyotr Bronnikov"
Automatic translate
6 Апреля
Государственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language.
Attendance of lectures for hearing-impaired and deaf visitors - according to a free lecture ticket, upon presentation of the relevant documents.
April 6, 2022, Wednesday, 19:00. "Pyotr Bronnikov".
The lecture is dedicated to the architect Petr Bronnikov, who studied and introduced industrial methods of building residential and public buildings from three-dimensional blocks into architectural practice. Bronnikov successfully used this technology in his own projects, creating both large residential buildings and hotels (a series of residential buildings BKR, the Stavropol hotel in Sochi), and a separate pavilion of cantilever blocks for the Chemistry-70 exhibition in Sokolniki.
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