Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language. "Georgy Wolfenzon"
Automatic translate
23 Марта
Государственный музей архитектуры имени А.В. Щусева
ул. Воздвиженка, д.5/25
Inclusive program of the State Museum of Architecture.
Lecture with translation into Russian Sign Language.
Attendance of lectures for hearing-impaired and deaf visitors - according to a free lecture ticket, upon presentation of the relevant documents.
March 23, 2022, Wednesday, 19:00. "Georgy Wolfenzon"
Architect Georgy Wolfenzon is known as a specialist in mass residential development, who designed one of the key objects for Soviet residential architecture - the RZhSKT house-commune "1st Zamoskvoretskoye Association". In the mid-1920s, the ideas of the socialization of everyday life were gaining popularity in the USSR, which was reflected in the appearance of communal-type residential buildings. One of the first such buildings was the RZhSKT commune house, created in collaboration with S. Aizikovich, S. Leontovich and E. Volkov on Lesteva Street. The house-commune has become a transitional step from private to common housing. In addition to designing residential buildings and workers’ settlements in the 1940s, Wolfensohn participated in the reconstruction of the Garden Ring, proposing to turn the Paveletsky Station Square into a kind of Venetian Piazza San Marco.
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