"Red Lantern" Elena Vecherina, Nikolay Naumov, Tanya Strelbitskaya
Automatic translate
с 7 по 12 Января
Галерея ЛЕГА
Нижний Кисельный пер., 3
Three contemporary artists: Elena Vecherina, Nikolai Naumov and Tanya Strelbitskaya will show Revelations. Where the mystery of the city beckons with its breath and light. Where the expression of color, line and form exposes the soul of a modern person, illuminated by the Red Light.
The exhibition runs from January 7 to January 12, 2017
The opening will take place on January 7, 2017 at 19-00. Free admission.
The LEGA workshop is open daily, except Mondays from 12-00 to 22-00
metro Trubnaya, Nizhny Kiselny per. d. 3
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Information and visual promotional materials is provided by the event organizer.