Kandinsky 150. Concert II
Automatic translate
22 Декабря
Центр искусств. Москва
ул. Волхонка, д. 15, вход через сквер Храма Христа Спасителя
Thursday, December 22, 7.30 p.m.
Center for the Arts Moscow (Volkhonka, 15)
Ticket admission
Vasily Kandinsky was born on December 16, 1866. Russian painter, graphic artist and theorist of fine art, one of the founders of abstract art and pioneers of specific art. It is difficult to overestimate his contribution to world culture. Kandinsky is called the founder of abstractionism, or "non-point painting." Abstractists learned from symbolists and romantics not to trust visible external reality and to perceive the world in all its manifestations, colors and forms. The synthesis of art, in particular music and painting, is one of the main ideas of abstract art.
Vasily Kandinsky sought the connection of color, geometric shape and sound. It is important to note that Kandinsky did not think of creating synthetic art either in theory or in practice without the participation of music. Maybe that’s why there is so much music in his paintings.
In a programme:
Vladimir Tarnopolsky - Hommage a Kandinsky
Tristan Murray - 13 colors of the setting sun
Alexey Syumak - Cl.air for clarinet solo
Arnold Schoenberg - Fantasy for violin and piano
Marina Rubinstein, flute
Nikita Agafonov, clarinet
Natalia Cherkasova, piano
Stanislav Malyshev, violin
Ekaterina Fomitskaya, violin
Anna Burchik, viola
Olga Kalinova, cello
The concert is led by a candidate of art history
Fedor Sofronov
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