"Impressionism and Spanish art"
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с 10 Октября
по 26 ЯнваряМузей русского импрессионизма
Ленинградский проспект, д. 15, стр. 11
On October 10, 2019, the Museum of Russian Impressionism opens the exhibition “Impressionism and Spanish Art”. 57 paintings, sculpture and graphics from 14 leading museums in Spain and private collections, complemented by two paintings and the Pushkin Museum named after A.S. Pushkina (Moscow).
The first large-scale Spanish exhibition in Russia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries will acquaint the public with the work of 18 Spanish artists who worked side by side with French impressionists, participated in the first exhibitions of a new direction in European art for the 1880s. The exhibition will feature paintings by Joaquin Sorolla, Ramon Casas, Dario de Regoyos, Marian Pidelaserra, Ignacio Mayol, Santiago Rusignol, Ricardo Canals, Ignacio Zuloagi, Joaquim Mira, Pere Iserna.
Impressionism is undoubtedly the most popular and beloved by the public painting direction in art of the second half of the 19th century. Born on French soil, impressionism has affected almost all countries of the world. But perhaps the greatest influence he had on Spanish artists. They preferred a bright, juicy palette to convey all the beauty of southern nature - the colorful shadows of sweeping trees, the white glare of solar reflexes and the modulation of sea water. Spanish impressionism grows out of the classical painting heritage, it feels a connection with the traditions of 17th century art in the person of Velazquez and 18th century art in the person of Goya.
The project involves 14 art museums in Spain, including: the National Museum of Art of Catalonia, the Montserrat Museum, the Joaquin Sorolla House Museum, the Bilbao Museum of Fine Arts, etc.
The curator of the project is Francesco Fontbona (Spain). Catalan art historian, writer, curator of exhibitions and specialist in Catalan modernism. He was the director of the graphic department at the National Library of Catalonia (1995-2013), the general director of the art section at the Grand Catalan Encyclopedia (1968-78). Member of the Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts of St. George and Spanish Society in America.
The project coordinator is Maria Moroz (Russia). Employee of the exhibition department of the Museum of Russian Impressionism, art critic, lecturer.
The exhibition is supported by the Embassy of Spain.
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