"Harmony of chaos." Exhibition of paintings by Dmitry Strelkov Automatic translate
с 18 по 31 Марта
Alpert Gallery
Красноказарменная ул., д. 3
ALPERTGALLERY presents an exhibition of the famous abstract artist Dmitry Strelkov, whose work was highly appreciated by the professional art community and, importantly, arouses genuine interest of the intellectual audience.
His works can be seen on the walls of large exhibition halls and galleries in Russia and abroad, in the offices of large companies and in private interiors.
“If I think about abstract painting, I use musical terminology. And painting and music in a strange, incomprehensible way excite our feelings, make the most hidden strings of the soul sound, and the way in which this is achieved does not lie through the mind, but through the heart itself.
For me, the explanation for this lies in the musical plane, this is harmony! Harmony is what the artist is looking for. To find the very notes that are consonant with you, to add chords from them and record the resulting melody with the help of paints on the stave of your canvas is the main task. If you have not faked, then the harmony created in the picture will sound and they will see it!
For me, abstract painting is a tool that can express mood and feelings in all its subtleties, that allows endlessly improvising with color, composition, texture and texture, attracting interested spectators to joint improvisations! ”- the author explains.
1966 - Born in Moscow.
1983 - Graduated from Krasnopresnensky art school.
1990 - Graduated from the Art and Graphic Department of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin
1966 - Born in Moscow.
1983 - Graduated from Krasnopresnensky art school.
1990 - Graduated from the Art and Graphic Department of Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after V.I. Lenin
Member of the Moscow Union of Artists, Partnership of painters of the Ministry of Agriculture,
Creative Union of Artists of Russia, Creative Union "Tetra-Art".
Member of more than 60 exhibitions in Moscow and abroad since 1990.
Laureate of Art Projects TSH "Insight", "ARCH Idea", "Through the prism of time."
Laureate of the II International Olympiad of Arts in the nomination "Visual Arts".
Laureate of the “Creative Environments” Club Award “FOR BEST WORK”
Successful bidder for contemporary art in Paris.
He was awarded diplomas from the Academy of Arts, the Moscow Union of Artists and the TSH of Russia.
The paintings are available in private and corporate collections in Russia, Germany, France, Holland, Japan, Portugal, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, at the Museum of Portrait of an Artist in Moscow, at the National Portrait Gallery in Moscow, at the Gogol House Museum in Moscow.
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