Photo exhibition "AMO-ZIL / URALMASH. Personal"
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с 18 Марта
по 3 АпреляГалерея “На Шаболовке”
Серпуховский Вал, 24, корпус 2
The Moscow Exhibition Halls Association and the Avant-Garde Center of the Education of Workers Library present the photo exhibition AMO-ZIL / URALMASH. Personal ”in the gallery“ On Shabolovka ”. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Thursday March 17 at 19:00.
Exhibition "AMO-ZIL / URALMASH. Personal "tells about the giant plants, Moscow and Yekaterinburg, combining in the space of the gallery" On the Shabolovka "pictures of 1916 - early. 1930s from the Museum of the History of the ZIL Plant and the photo project by Fedor Telkov “Uralmash. The heirs of dreams. " Together, the two parts of the exhibition will present the birth and death (rebirth) of two legendary symbols of the Soviet industrial era.
The first bus factory AMO. Rally on the White chassis. 1924. Museum of the history of the ZIL plant. Courtesy of the ZIL Cultural Center
Photo from the archive of the Museum of the History of Uralmashzavod. Late 1920s – 1930s
The authors focus on people who built a new world, dreamed of creating a perfect technical empire, thanks to which it would be possible to defeat distance, time, human weakness.
Inspired and focused faces of men and women AMO-ZIL: employees of a scientific laboratory, blacksmith and foundry workers, doctors and firefighters, rabkor - this is not yet merged into a single outburst of overfulfillment of the plan, the working mass from photographs of the second half of the 1930s. These are the creators, united for the sake of a common cause, and not yet faced with the depreciating and impersonal industrial race of the first and second five-year plans. Archival photographs were exhibited at the ZIL Cultural Center in 2015 at the exhibition “Industrial Culture. The image of the era. 1916-1929. " What happened to the plant, with these people and their descendants can be learned from the multimedia accompaniment of the exhibition, rare newsreels and a special video project of the ZIL Cultural Center “From Memory”, for which teenagers aged 11 – 13 interviewed the veterans of the plant.
AMO factory. Tool shop. 1922. Museum of the history of the ZIL plant. Courtesy of the ZIL Cultural Center
Photo from the archive of the Museum of the History of Uralmashzavod. 1930s
The theme of human biography in an industrial context is also raised by Fedor Telkov. His heroes almost all were born and raised on Uralmash. For each of them, this is a special district of Yekaterinburg, a “comfort zone”, a safe environment, an ideal country. Portraits of the descendants of the first builders and workers of the plant, as well as fragments of the history of their families presented at the exhibition, will create not just a collective portrait of Uralmash, but a voluminous image woven from the faces and words of many people who connected their lives with the plant. The main question that the heroes of the exhibition are trying to answer is what Uralmash used to be for them and their families before, and what it is today. This section of the exhibition will be complemented by archival photographs from the Museum of the History of Uralmashzavod and landscapes of the social city. For the first time, “Heirs of Dreams” were shown to spectators in Yekaterinburg in December 2014 as part of the project “Cultural Laboratories of the White Tower”.
The historical, archival perspective of the AMO-ZIL exposition and the attempt at a sociological and artistic analysis of modernity undertaken in the exposition dedicated to Uralmash are different views, but it is their combination in one space that allows you to see the beginning and end of industrial culture in a volumetric, historical perspective, to appreciate the scale of its heritage, which has formed a special community around itself.
Fedor Telkov. Hall of the hotel "Madrid". "The heirs of dreams." 2014
The curators of the AMO-ZIL exposition are Alexander Selivanov, Nikolay Selivanov.
Curator and author of the photographs “Uralmash. The heirs of dreams ”- Fedor Telkov.
Plant "AMO" - a plant of the Moscow Automobile Society, founded in 1916, in 1956 the name of the plant was changed to an automobile plant named after I.A. Likhachev, for short - ZIL.
The original name of Uralmashzavod is the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant (UZTM). The plant was founded in 1928, began work in 1933.
The social city of Uralmash is a residential village of the late 1920s - the first half of the 1930s for builders and workers of UZTM, currently it is one of the most important districts of Yekaterinburg.
Fedor Telkov. Portrait of Boris Reisher with his wife. "The heirs of dreams." 2014
March 22, 19:30
Lecture “Remembering AMO-ZIL. Factory architecture 1916-1940 "
Lecturer: Candidate of Architecture Margarita Basset
March 29, 19:30
Lecture "Uralmash and architecture of Sverdlovsk of the 1920-1930s. "
Lecturer: candidate of architecture Igor Kazus
Round table dedicated to the reconstruction of the territory of the ZIL plant.
Participants: architect Yuri Grigoryan (Meganom Bureau, author of the ZIL Peninsula concept), urban advocates, architectural historians, urbanists.
April 3, 18:00
Screening of the film “The Last Limousine” (Workshop of Marina Razbezhkina, dir. Daria Khlestkina, 2014)
Cultural laboratories of the White Tower is an interdisciplinary project of involving the Water Tower of the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant, an architectural monument of the avant-garde of federal significance, in the cultural landscape of Yekaterinburg as an exhibition, stage and educational platform. In 2014, a joint project of the Ural branch of the NCCA and the PODELNIKI arch-group received a grant from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.
ZIL Cultural Center is a modern multifunctional cultural center, where exhibitions, performances, performances, lectures, concerts and master classes by experts in various fields of science, culture and art, aimed at a wide audience, are regularly held. The center is located in a building designed by architects brothers L. A., V. A. and A. A. Vesninov in the constructivism style in 1930 – 37. The building is a cultural monument of regional importance. Until 2008, the Palace of Culture belonged to the AMA "Plant named after I. A. Likhachev," in February 2012 was transferred to the Department of Culture of Moscow.
The Avant-Garde Center of the Enlightenment of Workers Library is a regular partner of the exhibition projects at the Shabolovka Gallery. This is an open platform for the exchange of knowledge, a place for scientific work and inspiration, dedicated to art, culture and history of the first half of the twentieth century. The avant-garde center is located in the same building as the gallery, in the former community center of the Havsko-Shabolovsky housing estate.
Gallery "On Shabolovka" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" was created in the Danilovsky district of Moscow more than 20 years ago as an exhibition hall on the basis of the creative association "Moskvorechye" in the center of the Havsko-Shabolovsky residential area. Initially, this area was conceived as a hymn to the new post-revolutionary Moscow. Here and today, many monuments of the avant-garde have been preserved. Since 1991, the gallery has organized and held more than 600 art exhibitions in Moscow, in other cities of Russia and abroad. In 2014, the gallery space was completely updated. The accent of the new exhibition program of the gallery are projects dedicated to the avant-garde, as well as historical and local history projects related to the comprehension of the cultural heritage of the Danilovsky district and its popularization.
The organizers of the exhibition thank the Museum of Industrial Culture, the Central Scientific and Technical Library for Construction and Architecture and the editors of the magazine “Behind the Wheel” for the exhibits provided.
Exhibition opening: March 17, 19:00
Dates of the exhibition: March 18 - April 3, 2016
Venue: Gallery "Shabolovka"
Address: metro Shabolovskaya / metro Tulskaya, 24 Serpukhov Val, building 2
Gallery hours: Tuesday - Sunday, 11:00 - 20:00
Age restrictions: 0+
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