Automatic translate
с 10 по 12 Января
Здание Екатерининского общественного собрания
Грибоедова наб.к., 88/90
10 Января 12 Января
January 10 and 12, 2020 (Friday, Sunday), 7 p.m.
During the Christmas holidays, the Petersburg Concert and the St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Sergey Stadler will present to the public the new music festival "Star of Bethlehem". On January 10 and 12, 2020, music dedicated to the traditional “Christmas plots” will be heard in the “Catherine’s Assembly”. It is noteworthy that both programs will be performed in the Great Hall, which is still preparing for the opening. The empty stage space will be transformed by the scenery of theatrical artist Andrei Pronin, created specifically for the festive program.
The main theme of the concert on January 10 will be the story of the worship of the Magi - the story of the wise men who came from the East to worship the baby Jesus and bring him gifts. The symbolism of this legend is deep and multifaceted. This biblical story is richly reflected in world culture, including music. The brightest and most colorful musical compositions from Beethoven to Respighi will be heard on the first evening of the festival.
The second concert is dedicated to the Christmas tale. In the center of the program is the story of The Nutcracker and the music of the ingenious Tchaikovsky ballet. In addition, fragments from favorite fairy-tale operas and ballets will be heard: Swan Lake, Cinderella, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, etc.
Festival program:
January 10th. "Adoration of the Magi"
I department
- C. Saint-Saens. Bach-style Prelude from the Christmas Oratorio
- G. Berlioz. Fragments of the oratorio "The Childhood of Christ"
- Soloists Maxim Bulatov and Anastasia Barun
- S. Gounod. Fragments of the oratorio “Jesus on Lake Tiberias”
- O. Respighi. Adoration of the Magi from the Triptych of Botticelli
- N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Scene VIII from the opera The Night Before Christmas
II department
- F. Liszt. Adoration of the Shepherds and Adoration of the Magi from the oratorio "Christ"
- F. Mendelssohn. Choir and choral from the oratorio "Christ"
- L. van Beethoven. The final choir from the oratorio "Christ on the Mount of Olives"
January 12th. "Christmas tale"
I department
- S. Prokofiev. A scene with a clock from the ballet Cinderella
- M. Glinka. Waltz Fantasy
- N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Fragments of the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan":
Farewell and departure of King Saltan
Aria of the Swan Princess from the opera Tale of Tsar Saltan
Soloist - Victoria Rebenko - V. Rebikov. Fragments of the opera The Christmas Tree
"Ladder of Angels" - A. Lyadov. "Magic Lake"
- P. Tchaikovsky. White Adagio from the ballet Swan Lake
II department
P. Tchaikovsky. Fragments of the ballet The Nutcracker
St. Petersburg Symphony Orchestra
artistic director and chief conductor
People’s Artist of Russia — Sergey Stadler
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