Gunbi Traditional Chinese Painting Festival
Automatic translate
с 7 по 24 Сентября
Центральный Дом художника
Крымский Вал, 10
September 7 at the Central House of Artists (CHA) on Krymsky Val opens the first festival of traditional Chinese painting Gunbi. 20 Russian and Chinese artists will present their works in the style of painting that originated about 2000 years ago. The festival will last until September 24, during which time it will change the exposure several times. All those present can get in touch with the art of painting in China and feel how fascinating it is.
For exhibition visitors, the festival organizers have prepared a large program of free workshops and demonstrations from Russian artists. Individual excursions, demonstration workshops and tea ceremonies will be held daily for festival guests.
Within the framework of the festival, the exposition of works by 20 Russian artists and their Chinese colleagues Gong Xueqing, Li Zhe and Zhou Bin will be held at the Central House of Artists on Krymsky Val. From the Chinese language, the word "gunbi" literally translates as "thorough or diligent brush." Indeed, this style is distinguished by a special attention to detail, splendor, decorativeness, splendor and grace.
“Paintings in this style are characterized by the presence of carefully drawn contour lines depicting objects and details,” says festival organizer Yulia Tolmacheva. - Sometimes this style is called the "style of clear lines." Having made an outline, the artist paints the drawing with mineral paints. Since such paints are very durable and create a bright color, Gunby-style paintings look very decorative. It was in the Gunbi style that the artists who painted the interiors of the palaces of the emperor and the nobility worked ".
Artists who worked for the emperor were required to own the Gunby style. The emperor had a whole staff of artists who worked only in this technique. And only wealthy people could afford to acquire such paintings. The scrolls were kept in the strictest secrecy in the palace of the emperor and in the chambers of wealthy families.
From September 7, an exhibition of works by Russian artists will begin. The works of famous Chinese artist Gong Xueqing will also be presented. He is not only the successor of the Chinese classical painting technique in the Gunbi style, but also an innovator who managed to combine the Western style of painting with Chinese techniques, creating a new style in Chinese painting. Gong Xueqing boldly combines realistic plots and illusion in one work. His paintings are distinguished by an unusual rhythm of filling the fullness and emptiness of space, and the beautiful structure of the composition shows the artist’s abilities and skill.
On September 19, an exhibition of paintings by famous Chinese artists Li Zhe and Zhou Bin will begin, who will also personally come to Moscow to attend the opening ceremony of the festival and hold personal painting workshops at Sherston Hotel Moscow. Authors recognized in China as outstanding masters in the style of Gunbi and Moguf will bring their works to Russia for the first time. Viewers will be presented more than 40 works by Chinese masters.
The exhibition presented to visitors will combine the works of modern Chinese and Russian painters who will present landscapes, images of beauties, flowers and birds, animals and fish. Favorite subjects - peonies, lotuses, carps, everything that has a benevolent value in Chinese painting. The works of professional contemporary artists will amaze those present with a thorough drawing: the antennae of moths, the hair of an animal, the delicate blush of the cheeks of beauties or the subtle color nuances of flower buds, all of which are masterfully reflected in the works of artists.
Every day for everyone, an exposition in the Central House of Artists will be open, and there will also be a large program of free workshops and demonstrations from Russian artists. All guests and visitors of the festival, together with the Tea partner of the exhibition, the company, will be able to taste the famous Yunnan puer, natural natural energy from the tropical jungle, refreshing and light white tea from Fujian, oolongs from high plantations of the island of Taiwan and many other collection varieties of Chinese tea, and also learn about what is common between painting and the tea ceremony and even participate in an impromptu tea action.
The company was created by the efforts of tea experts who were at the origins of the formation of the Chinese tea tradition in modern Russia, the owner of the largest Russian-language YouTube channel in the world, as well as the largest network of tea clubs in Russia and the former Soviet Union.
The program of the stay of Chinese artists in Moscow is also saturated. In addition to participating in festival events, Li Zhe and Zhou Bin will visit the Tretyakov Gallery, the Moscow Kremlin, the Pushkin Museum, take walks in Moscow, and explore the capital’s sights.
The works of Chinese artists Li Zhe and Zhou Bin are the best examples for studying the style of Gunbi. From September 15 to 24, artists will hold their workshops on realistic Chinese painting techniques.
Li Zhe is an artist at the Gunbi Style Institute of the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China and the author of numerous teaching aids, which are known not only in China but also in Russia. Li Zhe - one of the founders of the direction of painting, depicting birds and flowers in a natural environment. Traditional Chinese painting for Li Zhe is a hobby of his whole life. Li Zhe had never left China before, and quite a lot of effort was made for the Russian side to bring the famous Gunbi-style master to Moscow.
Zhou Bin is a famous Chinese artist, the brightest representative of those who work in the Gunbi style, a participant and winner of many exhibitions. The master represents the direction of Moguf, the so-called contourless Gunbi. Zhou Bin’s master classes are interesting for everyone who studies the styles of gunby, ce and even those who are interested in watercolor.
The organizer of the festival is the Moscow club of fans of Chinese painting Gunbi. The authors of the project are sure that this is not just a joint exhibition, but cultural cooperation on a long-term basis. The festival runs until September 24th.
September 7 (Thu) 18:00 - 20:00 The opening ceremony of the festival and the exhibition of paintings by Russian artists, as well as Chinese artist Gong Xueqing. The program includes: welcome drink, tea tasting, examination of the exposition, demonstrations of Gunbi painting techniques from Russian artists.
September 19 (Tue) 18:00 - 20:00 Opening of an exhibition of paintings by Chinese artists Li Zhe and Zhou Bin. The program includes a meeting with artists, a tea ceremony, a music concert.
ADDRESS: Moscow Krymsky Val street, 10
September 8, 18:00 - Demonstration Workshop “Peaches”, artist - Diana Medvedeva
September 9, 14:00 - Demonstration master class "Poppies", artist - Daria Kolosova
September 10, 14:00 - Demonstration master class "Lotus", artist - Daria Kolosova
September 12, 18:00 - Demonstration master class "Peony", artist - Daria Kolosova
September 13, 18:00 - Demonstration master class "Lotus", artist - Tatyana Kalina
September 14, 18:00 - Demonstration master class "Ancient Lotus", artist - Larisa Babitskaya
ADDRESS: Moscow Krymsky Val street, 10
September 15 (Fri) All Day Li-Jae Workshops - Squirrel
September 16 (Sat) All day Master classes Li Jae - Squirrel
September 17 (Sun) All Day Master Class Zhou Bin - Peony
September 21 (Thu) All Day Master Class Li Jae - Doggy
September 22 (Fri) All Day Master Class Li Jae - Doggy
September 23 (Sat) All day Master Class Li Jae - Doggy
September 24 (Sun) All Day Master Class Zhou Bin - Tulips
ADDRESS: Moscow, Hotel Ave, 8/1
Tuesday — Sunday from 11:00 to 20:00
Ticket offices are open from 11:00 to 19:00
On foot 7-10 minutes from the metro Park Kultury or Oktyabrskaya.
By land transport Trolleybus No. B, No. 10 to the stop "Gorky Central Park of Culture and Health".
By car Travel is on the understeer of the inner side of the Garden Ring, exit from Kaluga Square towards the Crimean Bridge.
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