A La Prima Watercolor Festival 2013 at the Kashirka State Exhibition Hall
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Dear watercolorists! We invite you to take part in the A la prima Watercolor Painting Festival.
The festival can be attended by professional artists living in the Russian Federation and other countries who have reached 21 years of age and working in the technique of "A la prima".
Application forms for participation in the festival and photographs of works are accepted by the Organizing Committee from January 1 to February 15, 2013 by e-mail alaprimafest@gmail.com
The exhibition of participants will be held in the State Exhibition Hall "On Kashirka" from February 28, 2013 to March 17, 2013.
The festival is attended by artists from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Nakhodka, Kurgan, Kursk, Magnitogorsk and other cities of Russia.
The festival is held in two stages, the first - the selection of applications sent, the second round - an exhibition of selected works and an extensive program of events. Following the results of the Festival, an illustrated catalog will be released. The festival program includes an exhibition of contemporary Russian watercolorists (more than 45 participants from various cities of Russia).
Special projects:
“Private Collection” - Western European artists Gerald Green, Alvaro Castañet, Josef Zbukovic.
“Retrospective” - artists: Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Arthur Fonvizin (1882 - 1973), Alla Belyakova (1914 - 2006), Elena Chaus (1913 - 1970).
Watercolor workshops
The program of the Festival includes master classes, round tables with the involvement of experts from the Association of Art Critics, as well as special expositions of watercolors from private collections of such authors as Arthur Fonvizin, Alla Belyakova, Elena Chaus, Gerald Green, Alvaro Castaniet, Josef Zbukovich.
Registration for free watercolor workshops alaprimafest@gmail.com
or by phone: 8 (499) 612-11-61, 8 (499) 612-95-17
Schwarzblat Igor - Neva Embankment (Study, paper, watercolor, 2011)
Festival program February 28 - March 17, 2013
28th of February
16:00 Meeting with Leonid Lerner, writer, art historian and collector, author of albums on the works of Arthur Fonvizin “I write the sky” and Alla Belyakova “Flowers are poetry, music… mystery”.
18:00 Lecture by Elena Bazanova "Myths and realities of watercolor painting" and a demonstration of the author’s technique: "Painting" in the dry "and" in the wet "at the same time."
9th of March
12:00 Workshop by Igor Manukhov "Winter Landscape".
10th of March
14:00 Children’s watercolor studio by Alexander Stasyuk at the Children’s Design Academy MGHPA them. S. G. Stroganova.
March 12th
18:00 Workshop by Maria Semenova “Watercolor portrait using A la prima technique”.
March 13
14: 00-16: 00 Workshop by Konstantin Sterkhov “Air Perspective: Space Transfer Techniques in Watercolor”
18: 00-20: 00 Master class by Konstantin Sterkhov "Seascape: how to write it simply and effectively"
March 14th
18:00 Presentation of albums on the work of Arthur Fonvizin “I am sending you a portrait” and Alla Belyakova “Flowers are poetry, music… mystery”.
March 16th
14:00 Workshop by Galina Gomzina “Reflection in the water: the transfer of reality and one’s own mood”
March 17
15:00 Round table devoted to the problems of watercolor (jointly with AIS).
18:00 Closing of the Festival, rewarding of participants
Festival Regulations
1. General Provisions
The A la prima watercolor painting festival (hereinafter referred to as the Festival) is organized for professional artists working in the a la prima technique.
1.1. Organizers
- State budgetary institution of culture of Moscow "Exhibition Hall" On Kashirka ";
Contact person: Dranichkina Olga Sergeevna 8 499 612 11 61, nakashirke@mail.ru
- Association of Art Critics (AIS).
1.2. Goals
- creative support of watercolor artists;
- The popularization and development of the a la prima watercolor technique;
- attracting the attention of gallery owners, connoisseurs and art lovers to the problems of preservation and development of watercolor painting;
- organization of creative communication.
1.3. Members
Professional artists of the Russian Federation and other countries can take part in the Festival. The participant must be over 21 years old.
2. Organization
2.1. The “A la prima” festival is held in two stages :
2.2. The first stage is held in absentia from January 1, 2013 to February 15, 2013 in order to select works for the Exhibition.
2.3. The second stage is the holding of the Exhibition of the work of participants - from February 28 to March 17, 2013.
2.4. Application forms and photographs of works are sent by e-mail alaprimafest@gmail.com in JPEG format with a resolution of at least 2000 pixels on the short side.
The application text and creative biography in Russian is provided to the Organizing Committee by e-mail alaprimafest@gmail.com in the form of a Word document.
The scope of work for participation in the first qualifying round is from 5 to 10 photographs of the submitted works, a biography of no more than 2 sheets of typewritten text.
The application form is sent along with photographs of the work.
2.5. Works for the exhibition are selected by the Expert Council. The decision of the Expert Council is sent to the Participant by e-mail within 3 business days from the date of receipt of the application form. After confirmation by the Expert Council of participation in the exhibition, an agreement is concluded with each artist.
2.6. The participant who has passed stage I provides from 3 to 5 works for the exhibition at the choice of the Expert Council.
2.7. The cost of participation in the Exhibition is 3,000 rubles (three thousand rubles), regardless of the number of works. Payment can be made both in cash and by bank transfer no later than February 17, 2013.
The payment includes:
- preparation and printing of printing products (diplomas, booklets, posters, invitations);
- organization and holding of the exhibition.
3. Requirements for the submitted works
3.1. Works must be unique authorial works performed in the technique of “a la prima”.
3.2. The work must be professionally executed in a baguette and / or mat and baguette.
3.3. The name of the author, the name of the painting, the year of creation should be indicated on the back of the work in block letters.
4. Dates and venue of the exhibition
4.1. State budgetary institution of culture of Moscow "VZ" On Kashirka ". Address: 115446, Moscow, st. Akademika Millionshchikova, building 35, building 2. Opening hours: daily from 11 to 21.
4.2. Dates of the exhibition: February 28 - March 17, 2013. Delivery of works on February 26. Installation February 27, 2013, dismantling and removal of work - March 18, 2013
5. Summing up, rewarding
5.1. All exhibitors are awarded with diplomas.
5.2. Within the framework of the Festival, it is planned to hold master classes, performances, round tables, creative meetings, etc.
5.3. The updated program will be sent to the Participant no later than February 20, 2013.
6. Information support of the Festival
6.1. The organizers provide timely and effective informational support of the Festival in the media (electronic, print).
6.2. The publication report is sent to all Festival Participants.
st. Akademika Millionshchikova, d.35, building 5
tel. 8-499-612-95-17, 8-499-612-11-61
e-mail: nakashirke@mail.ru
- Konstantin Sterkhov. Showcases 12+
- Konstantin Sterkhov. Showcases 12+
- Valery Belyakovich staged in his theater a play by Neil Simon "Fools"
- Directed by V. Belyakovich, the performance "At the Bottom" was a revelation to the audience
- In Penza, waiting for the premiere of a new version of "Romeo and Juliet" Valery Belyakovich
- In the Moscow Art Theater. Gorky held the premiere of "Hamlet", staged by Valery Belyakovich