Excursions in the Don and Danilovsky districts of the capital
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April 20, 2014, as part of the program “Days of Moscow’s Historical and Cultural Heritage”, excursions will be held in the Don and Danilovsky districts of the capital.
The city is a palimpsest consisting of numerous overlapping layers, temporary and cultural. This applies not only to the center with universally recognized monuments. In each district of the city, there was something before: people lived, worked, did something. In the last hundred years, Moscow has grown too fast, absorbing entire villages and small towns, rebuilding, settling in residents of other areas and visitors. This created a unique cosmopolitan flavor of the city, but at the same time, for most citizens, their place of residence does not have historical and cultural value, does not carry any meaning, except for personal history, the history of their family. This project aims to create a cohesive history of the place, combining personal stories and global processes. In this case, the history of the region that played an important role in the formation of Moscow between the two world wars, the experimental space of the 1920-1930s, saturated with monuments of the avant-garde era.
Presenters: employees of the Avant-garde Center, Docomomo-Russia, Research Institute of Theory and History of Architecture and Urban Planning, members of the Archnadzor, teachers of the Moscow Architectural Institute, local historians, and local residents.
The excursion program will consist of copyright routes starting from the foot of the Shukhov Tower and covering all the most significant monuments of constructivism nearby. Participants will have a unique opportunity to visit some buildings along the route of routes, since it is important to see constructivism from within, as an integral functioning organism.
Another format for the project is a gramophone party, reconstruction of the environment: in the courtyards of the Havsko-Shabolovsky housing estate and the courtyard of the Wolfenzon communal house, the communal environment of the 1920s and 30s will be reproduced, with a gramophone and hits of that time as a center of common house attraction. Rare collection records will be played at these parties.
Program of events:
12:00, "Around the Tower" - an interactive tour with the assembly of the model of the tower Shukhov;
13:00, Constructivist Kremlin on Shabolovka;
16:00, "Giant School on Drovnaya Square";
17:00, "Gramophone concert in the courtyard of the RZHSKT commune" Zamoskvorechye "";
17.00, the launch of kites on Drovyanaya Square;
18.00, film screening of the film “The Extraordinary Adventures of Mr. West in the Country of the Bolsheviks” (Lev Kuleshov, 1924) in the Zamoskvorechye Gallery
Exhibition Hall "Zamoskvorechye";
Avant-Garde Center, Tolerance Museum
Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow"
Registration is required http://vzmoscow.timepad.ru/event/117828/
Address of the Zamoskvorechye exhibition hall:
Serpukhov Val, d.24, building 2 (metro Shabolovskaya), + 7 495-954-30-09
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