"His Majesty the organ"
Automatic translate
29 Июля
Евангелическо-Лютеранский Кафедральный собор св. Петра и Павла
Старосадский пер., 7
July 29, Friday, 20.00
Organ. A great instrument created for great music. Trumpets directed to heaven, destiny itself are intended for conversations with God. God created this world. The organ glorifies the world created by God. It, in its immense range, covers all possible sound space - from rumbling deep bass to prohibitively high bird trills. He is infinitely rich and equally infinitely generous. He shares with the listener everything that he has. The greatest composers considered it an honor to write their works for him. Mendelssohn, Brahms, Frank, Schumann… and, of course, Bach. All of them gave the organ the best part of their soul. And their souls continue to live in its sounds. He is a prayer. And he is comfort. He is passion. And he is detachment. He is the voice. And he is a fantastically rich voice accompaniment. He is the whole world. A great instrument created for great music.
Andre Knevel Canada
Program: I.S. Bach, V.A. Mozart, F. Liszt, A. Knevel
- "Organ Triumph"
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