Dmitry Morozov and Dmitry Galkin:
"Artists and Robots. Robotic codes. Machine-apparatus"
Automatic translate
18 Мая
Штаб-квартира Mail.Ru Group, кинозал
Ленинградский проспект 39, стр. 79, 1 этаж
May 18, 18:00
Dmitry Morozov and Dmitry Galkin: “Artists and Robots. Robotic codes. Apparatus Machine
An internationally renowned artist Dmitry Morozov will present his method of working with objects of robotics, which he collects, as well as visual and sound art that has become part of the robotics production process, separate from the artist. Theorist of art Dmitry Galkin, head of the State Center for Contemporary Art in Tomsk, will reveal the reasons why the machine-apparatus has become an integral part of the art process. Julia Grachikova, curator of the department of film and media art of the Pushkin Museum. A. Pushkin, will present a digest of recent projects where the main characters are not artists, but the works they created.
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