BE OR SAY? Ksenia Sasha 12+
Automatic translate
с 4 Марта
по 7 АпреляТворческий кластер “АРТМУЗА”
Васильевский остров, 13 линия, дом 70-72
Gallery "Artist’s Studio", 3rd floor.
The idea of some masquerade in the works of Xenia lies on the surface. The author talks about the sensory experiences of people, about the sincerity that we sometimes lose, hiding behind various masks. Even if it is very bright, floral masks - they depersonalize, hide the present. To be or to seem? Ksenia Sashina encourages us to think about who we are, what is important to us when we are real?
The idea of picturesque floristic compositions was born out of many experiments with materials. Ksenia wanted her work to stand out in a stream of various artistic searches, she wanted to do something that others did not. And the author, of course, managed to achieve his goal. The compositions that the author uses in his work are created from natural silk and brought from China and Europe.
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