Gavryushov Mikhail’s project "Pisces + Unicorn. Monologues" 6+
Automatic translate
с 4 по 14 Октября
Галерея “А3”
Староконюшенный переулок, 39
On October 4, in the Gallery A3 of the Exhibition Halls of Moscow Association, the opening of Mikhail Gavryushov’s exhibition Pisces + Unicorn. Monologues. "
An atmospheric exhibition that immediately immerses the artist in a special world is dedicated to two signs of the zodiac - Pisces and Virgo. The central place is given to installations, the integral part of which is an object-allegory, a transforming object, revealing the interpretation of morphologies of astrological signs.
Photofixing various states of the sign object, its interpretations (Aries, Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo…).
The author focuses on the sign of Pisces. Dualism and opposition of a pair of fish. Symbolism of the Pisces sign.
The author also offers to artistically comprehend the sign of the Virgin and her attribute - Unicorn (Unicornis). Allusions of the five senses (still lifes) are presented in the exposition space.
The exhibition features more than 30 works by Mikhail Gavryushov (photography, painting, installation).
Gallery Opening Hours - Tuesday-Sunday
Dates: 10/04/2018 - 10/14/2018
Opening hours: 11:00 - 20:00
Cost: 100 rubles - full; 50 rubles - preferential
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