Anatoly Zaslavsky and Daniil Troyanov – Water
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с 2 по 20 Апреля
Борей Арт-Центр
Литейный 58
All the paintings in our exhibition depict water in one way or another.
The idea of the exhibition is painting, only painting, and nothing but painting. The fluidity and variability of water seemed to us consonant with the painting techniques that we use in our work. /Anatoly Zaslavsky/

Our exhibition is called “Water”. Water in painting. Water flows from one painting to another, and will remain unchanged in its essence, be it a lake, river, sea, or ocean. It flows easily and freely, changing areas and bodies of water. In some paintings, the viewer may ask himself the question: “Where is the water here?” And, having not heard the answer, he will try to solve this riddle himself. /Daniil Troyanov/
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