Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. d, 12+
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с 12 Октября
по 11 НоябряПермская государственная художественная галерея
Комсомольский проспект, 4

The Perm Gallery opens an art project by Alexander Morozov “Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. D. ”, dedicated to the study of voice and memory. The exposition was created on the basis of the Akchim dialect, which once existed on the territory of the Perm Territory and today is almost lost.
The Akchim dialect was formed in one of the most inaccessible places of the Perm Territory - the village of Akchim, which appeared in the 18th century and was abandoned by people in the 90s of the 20th century. A dialect without carriers goes into a specific virtual mode, becoming a kind of ghost that exists between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The Akchim dialect is fully described and exists today in the form of a unique document - the six-volume “Akchim Dictionary” created by scientists from Perm University. How can a dialect caught between a document and a voice penetrate the world of those who come into contact with it?
In his project, Alexander Morozov creates voice objects, raising the question of what the dialect is in a situation where there are no more carriers, but there is a document testifying to this dialect as existing. The artist carries out a kind of reconstruction of memory, showing that the dialect does not disappear, but is invisibly present in the life of people and language.
The artist creates interactive acoustic systems that serve as a kind of interface through which access to vanished voices is made.
The exposition consists of three installations - “Phonograms”, “Ak Chemi” and “Return. Syncope ”, - each of which establishes a specific relationship between voice and time. The “Phonograms” installation was created on the basis of field recordings on which you can hear the voice of the Akchim dialect carrier. The recording turns into a voice letter with a moving addressee, a letter from the past to the present, which transforms under the influence of time.
The installation “Ak Che we” is a kind of voice machine with which you can simulate the fabric of live speech. The installation is a pavilion, which houses 72 sounding file cabinets - compositions created on the basis of field studies of the Akchim dialect. The viewer, pushing the boxes and freely combining voices, creates his own sound field, the acoustic mirror of Akchim village. This action is reminiscent of working with an archaic computer, where the operator “gives out commands”, or playing a kind of musical instrument - a language organ that anyone can play on, writing his own unique “composition”. Thus, the viewer is included in the performative dimension of dialect ecoacoustics.
Sound installation “Return. Syncope ”is a musical instrument specially created for an art project - a horn repeating an element of one of Perm’s wooden sculptures called“ Flying angel with a trumpet in his hand ”. An angel blows a horn, proclaiming the Apocalypse. Perm sculpture recalls, among other things, horn musical instruments that are familiar to ancient Permians.
In addition to sound installations, the exhibition will feature a series of metal objects created on the basis of the Akchim dictionary. The viewer will see sculptures from fireclay from the Architecture of the Craft series, as well as tempera on the blackboard from the Black Book cycle - images of extinct birds of the Perm Territory.
Art project “Akchim. Coordinates 60 ° 28′35 ″ s. w. 58 ° 02′53 ″ c. ”was created with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Perm Territory and will be open to visitors until November 11, 2018.

Artist: Alexander Morozov
Born in 1974 in Lugansk. He graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. I.E. Repin, studied under the program "Workshop. New Technologies in Contemporary Art ”at the PRO ARTE Institute.
Works in various genres of contemporary art: object, installation, graphics, video and painting. He participated in the XI Krasnoyarsk Museum Biennale, the 3rd Ural Industrial Biennale, special projects of the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art, in the parallel and public program of Manifesto 10, the Baltic Biennale and many other exhibition projects in Russia and abroad.
Selected solo exhibitions: Bird Registration, Muhu AI R, Estonia (2017), Simple Things, Triumph Gallery, Moscow (2017), Masses, Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation, Moscow (2016), Politia, CTI Factory, Moscow (2016), “Lines of Place”, Center for Contemporary Art Zarya, Vladivostok (2016), “Farewell to Moscow”, Museum of Contemporary Art named after S. P. Diaghilev St. Petersburg State University (2016), “Cosa Mentale”, Marina Gisich Gallery, St. Petersburg (2015), “What do you see?”, Art re. Flex, St. Petersburg (2014), "Garden", Library of book graphics, St. Petersburg (2014) and others.
The artist’s works are in the collections of the State Russian Museum, the Kaliningrad State Art Gallery, the Krasnoyarsk Museum Center, the Library of Book Graphics in St. Petersburg, the Vladimir Smirnov and Konstantin Sorokin Foundation, and the Perm State Art Gallery.
Exhibition curators: Vladimir Beresnev, Evgenia Suslova, Yana Tsyrlina
Scientific adviser: Ph.D. in Philology Gruzberg Lyudmila Aleksandrovna
Consultant: Candidate of Philological Sciences Rusinova Irina Ivanovna
Technical implementation of acoustic devices: Boris Shershenkov, Vladimir Goloveshko
Sound Engineer: Ivan Gusakov
Authors of the articles: Evgenia Suslova, Yana Tsyrlina
Exhibition architecture: Dmitry Merkushev, Grigory Baluev, Evgenia Ryzhkova
Graphic Design Exhibition: Evgenia Ryzhkova
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