August 10-11, City quests will be held as part of the Festival "Stagnation.NET"
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Gallery "Belyaevo" Association "Exhibition Halls of Moscow" will be one of the sites of the Festival "Stagnation. NET ”, organized by the V.I. Dahl and turned to unofficial art of the 1960-1980s.
In a programme:
August 10, 13:00 “Belyaevo quest. Bulldozer"
The route of the quest includes a visit to a historical place (the intersection of Ostrovityanova and Profsoyuznaya streets), where a bulldozer exhibition took place on September 15, 1974, which allowed artists forbidden in the Soviet Union to get out of the shadow. Participants of the quest will learn how this art event was being prepared, which artists came and who stayed at home for one reason or another, what measures the KGB officers took to prevent the event from taking place, and what ultimately came out of it.
Ticket price: 150 rubles (6+)
Pre-registration: +7 495 335-83-22
August 11, 13:00
Quest "Live in Moscow"
City labyrinth from Spiridonovka to Belyaevo. Based on the biographical sketches of D. A. Prigov.
Participants of the “Live in Moscow” quest will be on Spiridonovka Street, between Malaya Nikitskaya and Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, where Dmitry Alexandrovich Prigov was born on November 5, 1940. By guessing riddles and puzzles, players will learn how the childhood of the future poet and artist passed in the conditions of the communal life of the war years, in what environment he grew up, how the system of his views, ideals was formed. Moving gradually in the southwestern direction, the participants will get to Belyaevo, a microdistrict in the southwestern part of Moscow, which from the point of view of architecture is practically no different from others.
Meanwhile, Belyaevo stands out for its rich intangible heritage. Important events in the cultural life of the country that took place in this region played a role in the development of one of the leading trends in Russian art of the second half of the 20th century - Moscow conceptualism. A bulldozer exhibition took place in Belyaevo on September 15, 1974, which allowed artists banned in the Soviet Union to get out of the shadows. Here lived and worked the poet and artist Dmitry Prigov, one of the most prominent representatives of the Moscow conceptual school.
After going through the iconic places of the district and completing all the quest tasks, the winners will be in the real apartment of D. A. Prigov on Volgin Street.
Ticket price: 150 rubles (6+)
Pre-registration: +7 495 335-83-22
* During the festival (August 10-11), all participants in the quest can visit the exhibition "Firebird. Second Edition ”in the House of I.S. Ostroukhov in Trubniki at a reduced price: 150 rubles.
- "Little painting" from the master of monumental works Ivan Lubennikov
- The genius of Russian Art Nouveau, who was unlucky to live in an era of change
- "Live in Moscow" To the 80th anniversary of D.А. Prigova
- "FREEDOM IS FREEDOM …" on the 40th anniversary of the Bulldozer Exhibition (painting, graphics, art objects, installations, photos, video)
- "Days of the avant-garde 2021. NEP"