Imitation of engagement indicators - good or bad
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Marketers have many tricks they use to draw a potential buyer’s attention to what they’re selling. From “Only 49.99” and the placement of goods on store shelves, to the subtleties of wording in advertising messages, often with one declination turning everything upside down or forcing you to look at things from a different angle. Imitation of group interest is one of these technologies that works on the “herd feeling”; this is what makes us, first of all, pay attention to the seller who is in line and pass by deserted trading floors.

When it comes to social networks and the achievements that can be found there in various commercial accounts, our attitude as buyers towards possible tricks is usually negative. But at the same time, we willingly buy into “sales” and “discounts,” even realizing that most often this is a combination of massive advertising and numbers games, and we willingly buy something more expensive than the regular price because of a label with a loud inscription and crossed out numbers.
Cheating on social networks, no matter how menacing the name of the phenomenon may sound, is the same marketing technology common to the market and there are very few companies that, for some reason, exclude it from their advertising arsenal. Moreover, in the current realities, it is almost impossible to successfully start without these technologies. Launching a new company on a social network without simulating a group of “already subscribed” is very difficult today; people do not pay attention to empty accounts with posts that “are of no interest to anyone.” Are you “some kind of a marketer” yourself? Then here you go: – enjoy, you will succeed.

Oddly enough, exactly the same techniques await us in everyday life. For example, opening sales of sneakers at a price 5-10 times more expensive than usual. Two months ago you had not heard of the existence of this brand, but today “everyone is talking about it.” And on the day sales begin, a huge line of students stretches outside the “branded” store, “eager to buy” a pair of sports shoes for 30-50 thousand rubles. “You have to take it,” your brain confidently dictates to you, and somewhere one successful marketer is rubbing his hands, having completed the task assigned to him.
We are not surprised and we do not judge. This is the new world. And in order not to fall for the tricks of cunning sellers, it’s a good idea to look at things critically; you should learn to compare the different indicators that are shown to you. For example, a social network account has not only subscribers and likes, but also comments, likes to comments, reposts, etc. – compare all the indicators and you can guess for yourself whether they are playing games with you or not. Happy shopping! ;)
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