Autumn planting of peonies
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This beautiful flower can decorate any garden. Even the leaves of the peony bush are decorative, and the bush itself has a beautiful compact shape. There are many varieties of peonies, and they are very widespread - for example, peonies in Rostov are bred in more than 500 varieties, and in England there are more than 800 varieties.
- Peonies are divided into several groups according to the following characteristics:
- along the stem, plants can be tree-like or herbaceous;
- according to the type of flower they are single, semi-double and double;
- depending on the flowering period, they can be early or late;
- by color there are white, crimson, burgundy and others (several hundred species);
- According to their intended purpose, they can be cutting, park and universal.
This is an expensive and capricious flower. The more valuable and special the bouquet presented as a gift is.

Features of planting peonies in autumn
Experts agree that the best period for planting peonies is early autumn. Sometimes you can do this at the end of summer, but it is better to leave it until mid-September. By this time, renewal buds are finally formed.
Planting peonies in the fall requires theoretical training from the gardener. Proper planting is the key to successful growth and lush flowering of the peony bush.
There are no particular differences in how to plant a plant. Therefore, the recommendations below are suitable for all varieties:
1. The first thing to determine is the landing site. Peonies prefer sunny locations, but protected from the wind. Places that are well protected from blowing, for example, next to trees and bushes, are suitable for this. But at a sufficient distance from them so that the roots can develop well.
2. Peonies should not be planted near the house, as the walls of the house heat up and can overheat the flower, and this can lead to the death of the bush. If you really need to plant a plant near the house, you need to place it no closer than 1.5 meters from the walls of the house.
3. Before planting, you need to take care of the place. The flower respects loamy soil. Clayey ones need to be mixed with peat, humus and sand. Clay, peat and humus should be added to sandy soils. You should also fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers; this is always beneficial for plants, but in the recommended proportions.
4. The flower is fed by adding 200 grams of superphosphate fertilizer, potassium sulfate and a liter of ash. Then you should pour a bucket of water into the hole with the addition of potassium permanganate.
5. The location is selected with the condition of absence of dampness and groundwater. Since this is very harmful for the peony. Peonies planted in a damp place, at best, will not bloom, and at worst, they will simply die.
6. The landing pit must be prepared in advance. This is done to ensure sufficient soil shrinkage. Then a hill is arranged at the bottom, on which the seedling is placed, the roots are straightened, and all voids are filled with soil. The seedling needs to be compacted well, leaving a depression for easy watering.
The peony should be planted so that the top bud is buried 5 cm into the soil. It is impossible to bury it any further, as this risks that the peony may refuse to bloom. Immediately after planting, the seedling should be watered abundantly, mulched (you can use compost or soil for this), then covered with spruce branches.