Ready-made homework for 8th grade
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Ready-made homework assignments help students and parents quickly complete their homework using specific examples. GDZ website:

On our portal you will find GDZ in 8th grade geometry by Atanasyan 2014 and Pogorelov 2014. Complete solutions with explanations and references to the rules. The best answer to the exercise is chosen by users! After a short registration, the service is available to everyone without paid subscriptions or advertising.
Collection of GDZ from 8th grade geometry workbooks
For many eighth-graders, quick access from a tablet, smartphone or computer to an online geometry workbook is not a whim, but a necessity. There are more homework assignments every day, but the educational material does not have time to be absorbed. So in 8th grade geometry they should learn:
- everything about the quadrilateral and its properties;
- theory of similarity of triangles;
- knowledge about the circle, its types and measurements;
- material about vectors and their practical application.
The textbooks also contain a section with repetition of educational material from the previous year.
Why do we need GDZ in 8th grade geometry?
The site was created so that students can reduce the time they spend on homework, save their family budget for a tutor, and begin to independently prepare for the final 9th grade assessment. Some of the 8th grade geometry material may be reflected in tests.
Using the resource’s answer database is completely free, and the desired answer to a task can be easily found in a special window with the task number. Click on the button for the required exercise and compare the algorithm of your answer with the best answer on the portal. Parents can use this same option to check whether their child completed the tasks correctly.
Physics (Peryshkina)
GDZ in 8th grade physics Peryshkin 2013 - these are all completed tasks for a specific textbook, collected in one place. An online service with exercises from the manual is available immediately after registering on the site without advertising or paid services! All answers are published with explanations and detailed analysis.
Collection of GDZ from 8th grade physics textbooks
Physics is an important discipline in the school curriculum. A subject with high practical significance in everyday life and in technical specialties is difficult to study. Understanding a topic requires practice and repetition of the material covered.
In 8th grade, students throughout the school year:
- learn that convection, conduction and radiation are thermal phenomena;
- get acquainted with the aggregate states of matter;
- will study electromagnetic phenomena and their measurements;
- will understand what light phenomena are and become familiar with their duality.
It will take time and practice for the knowledge gained in a physics lesson to be absorbed and stored. Our service will help with this.
If you can simply write off the GDZ, then you won’t be able to explain it in class. On our portal, users share ready-made solutions for the textbook, comment on them, choose the best answer together, and help a friend understand the new material.
The online physics workbook is available on a computer, tablet or smartphone. The assigned lessons can be done during recess or at any convenient time, without putting it off until the evening!
Finding the page you need is also easy. Click on the exercise number and a ready-made algorithm for solving the problem will open to you. After checking the answer you received and the correct solution, you can select the best answer, add your solution and increase your rating in the answer system.
Social science
Find ready-made homework assignments in social studies here: GD in social studies for grade 8 (L. N. Bogolyubov)
Russian language
GDZ in the Russian language for grade 8 for the textbook by Trostentsova, Ladyzhinskaya, Deikin 2014 - this is a complete collection of completed tasks in one of the main subjects of grade 8. The site is accessible online from any device. The only portal with homework without a paid subscription or advertising!
Collection of GDZ from textbooks on the Russian language for grade 8
Eighth-graders continue to learn the intricacies of their native language. During the academic year, they will repeat knowledge from previous years and cover the following topics:
- Syntax of simple sentences and phrases.
- Main and minor members of the sentence. Their features.
- Get acquainted with one-part and two-part, as well as complicated sentences.
- They will study more deeply sentences with direct and indirect speech.
- They will continue to study speech styles and the features of their use in writing.
It is commendable if a teenager understands these details independently and quickly. What to do if mastering the material is not so easy? Contact a tutor? It’s better to rely on the help of an online assistant for every student!
Here are the children:
- They will be able to compare their own answers to exercises in the textbook with the answers of other users;
- Choose the best answer. It is usually accompanied by detailed analysis and comments;
- Find the desired answer in a couple of moments through the intelligent search system and independently analyze the exercises and rules that remain unclear.
The Russian language section for grade 8 is also provided with several options for essays and presentations on all topics of this school year. You can get inspiration from them. Thanks to the portal, every parent will be able to control their child’s Russian language studies.